WYSIWYG Editors for Your WordPress Powered Website

The WordPress built-in editor has minimum features to create a blog post. It’s one of the reasons that many bloggers use desktop-based blog editors that provide them with additional features that is lacking in the WordPress editor. Here are 10 WordPress WYSIWYG plugins that will give you the functionality as a desktop-based editor without leaving WordPress.

Fantastic WYSIWYG editor on jQuery

Redactor is the most fantastic yet beautiful and easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor on jQuery. It is lightning fast, small, scalable, and powerful. You can easily make your web project much more attractive for your customers and visitors by implementing the Redactor as your default text-editor. You can upload files and images using drag-n-drop, set up autosave, develop your own plugins and extensions.



NicEdit is a WYSIWYG editor for websites. Its goal is to be as simple and fast as possible for users of your application. NicEdit is extremely lightweight and can be easily integrated in any site with minimal impact while providing visitors an effective means to express themselves in rich text.


Aloha Editor

The most advanced browser HTML5 based WYSIWYG editor lets you experience a whole new way of editing. It’s faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented WYSIWYG functionalities.


WP Live Edit

WP Live Edit enables user to update the content, live, on the blog. Don’t waste time going back and forth between the admin panel and the site. Just update the content immediately while reading the blog post. The plugin is using WPs strict user control access before enabling this feature, so only the users allow to edit the blog post can do it.


Preserved HTML Editor Markup

This plugin preserves the user-generated HTML markup in the TinyMCE editor. Unlike other plugins this one allows developers to work in the HTML tab AND end-users to work in the WYSIWYG Visual tab at the same time! No longer will your HTML markup be completely munged into an unrecognizable form when you switch between those tabs.


Front-end Editor

Front-end Editor is a plugin that lets you make changes to your content directly from your site. No need to load the admin backend just to correct a typo.


CLEditor for WordPress

This plugins adds CLEditor (full-featured WYSIWYG-editor) to comments area, making it easier to style your comments. No HTML knowing is required anymore.


Wp Inline Edit

Wp Inline Edit will add ability to author/admin/editor to edit post/page from directly from site without going to wp-admin edit page.


Gravity Forms WYSIWYG

This plugin is an add-on for the amazing Gravity Forms Plugin. Check out my other free Add-ons for Gravity Forms.

  • Adds a new WYSIWYG field under standard fields
  • Adds a “Enable WYSIWYG” checkbox for post body field


CKEditor For WordPress

CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It’s a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.


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Written by

Alexander B.


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