10 WordPress Tutorials to Launch a Rocket of Shortcodes

What is a WordPress shortcode? Actually it’s a special tag that displays a certain content while the website is viewed. The method is easy for quick building of widgets for social media, advertising, maps – whatever. Also it disables needless efforts of repeating the same code again and again.

Interested? You’re lucky, because I’d like to share 10 shortcode tutorials, which would help you to make your work in WordPress more effective. Most guides contain examples that can be used and managed right away.

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The Shortcode API

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WordPress Shortcodes: A Complete Guide

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WordPress Shortcodes: The Right Way

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Get to grips with shortcodes in WordPress

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Mastering WordPress Shortcodes

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Elegant Themes Shortcodes Tutorial

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Getting Started with WordPress Shortcodes (+Examples)

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Why You Need WordPress Shortcodes (And How to Create Them)

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How to Add A Shortcode in WordPress?

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WordPress Shortcode Tutorial: Simple to Advanced Part 1

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In the end I want to present a video that contains detailed instructions. For many people such way of getting info would be more convenient, I suppose.

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Each of the represented tutorials consider different aspects regarding the work with workshop. I believe they would be useful for everyone, even for the experienced WordPress developers.

Please comment if you have something to outspeak.

About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Ayisha Papiya
    May 22, 2013

    Very inspiring and creative tutorials collection here. I learn something from your tutorial. Please keep sharing !!

    • ArtRivera
      May 22, 2013

      Great to know it was useful for you. Check for new updates, I have a lot of ideas to share. 🙂

  • Clipping Path
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