iPad madness: Apple’s Tablet is Going to be Crazy in Use!

People are falling mad about the iPad and this huge hype continues rolling along, being spurred by numerous tech-loving critters who make simply weird, wild things with the Apple’s tablet. On these videos, we’ve compiled to totally excite you, the iPad is being brutally destroyed by the baseball bat, golf clubs, axe, it is being blended, burned, drilled, run over by a car, used as a skate or wheel – folks simply rock to make our jaws dropped in a panic terror! Right now, those who didn’t see yet that outrage upon the precious Apple’s gadget could go ahead and watch these really cool and crazy awesome things people manage to do with the iPad.

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Will It Shred? iPad Skateboard

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How to Melt an iPad

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iPad Micro-Ondes

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Will This iPad Burn?

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iPad’s Smashing Debut

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Ipad Destroyed By Axe Steve Jobs Loves it!

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Daniel Tosh Destroys an iPad with an iGolf

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iPad Scratch Test

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Apple iPad Stress Tests

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iPad Apple par Groland

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Apple iPad Crash Test

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iPad Teardown – We Love Macs

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Crazy iPad Wheel Mount

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iPad Walking Robot

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DIY iPad Wall Mount

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Will It Blend? – iPad

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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