Web Design in 2014: What to Look Out for?

No matter what it is used for, your website always needs to be attractive enough to make the visitors stay there for a while. The official website for any business plays a significant role in ensuring that it remains profitable. The website helps to capture leads and helps in the expansion of the business. Hence, majority of the business owners look to build their own websites. Different types of trends are emerging with every passing day, which are helping to make the work more interesting. These web design trends in 2014 are expected to make the websites more engaging and interesting in the years to come.

Fonts Typical to the Business Type

When you are designing a website in 2014, or even years beyond that, you will need to focus more on the font than ever before. Major market players are stressing in recent times on the typography. One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind is that the fonts should be typical of the business, which the website is representing. No matter what type of font you are using, you need to ensure that the one you are using can be comprehended properly by the people who are visiting your website. Moreover, you will also need to consider whether the simple font will go with your website or whether you need some other type of decorative font to make the site more attractive.

Responsive Design to Rule the Roost

Technology has played a major role in the field of web design for a long time and it continues to be that way as well. With the passage of time, different mobile devices have emerged, which helps to access the internet. In fact, majority of the people across the globe are already using mobile devices to visit different websites. Hence, it is extremely important to design the websites in such a way that they can be properly seen on all types of devices, both desktop and handheld. Hence, responsive web design is the call of the day. This is where responsive designs are going to come in handy. They are likely to dominate the web designing scene in the years to come.

Avoid Complex Color Schemes

When you are designing a website, you have the opportunity to play with colors while applying the perfect shades there. You can always look to create a vibrant website for your business. However, the concept of using complex color scheme is gradually on the wane. Instead, you can focus on using the basic colors, which will help you to give the website the most attractive look.

Use Footers, Get Rid of Side Bars

Even a few years back, sidebars were extremely common for websites. More than almost half the websites that you visited regularly had sidebars. However, this trend has started to wane. Hence, you can now find a number of websites without these sidebars. Instead, the current trend is of long pages. These offer the viewers with the chance of scrolling down as much as possible. In fact, the designs of the web pages in recent times are also making use of the footers a lot, which used to be left out earlier.

Tell Your Story through Short Videos

No matter what type of website you have, one thing is for sure – you need to make it as attractive as possible. Always remember that the visitors are not going to come to your website with the view to spend a lot of time there. However, it is with the design that you will have to ensure that the visitors stay for sometime on your website. Hence, you will need to include different types of components that help to arrest the concentration of the visitors. Adding a video can be a great idea. You can use short videos, which will narrate the story of your business and give your potential clients an idea about your how you work. Moreover, you will also be able to create short video blogs with the help of different software and websites.

Interactive Designs will Dominate the Website

Interactive designs are going to be one of the most important parts of the web design field in 2014 and in the years to come as well. It has been long since the advent of such designs. These forms of designs are among the best solutions to keep the users active and engaged. Thus, it will help you satisfy the visitors, who will return to your website time and again.

With more and more businesses as well as individuals looking to increase or fortify their online presence, web design is expected to remain a major tool in the years to come as well. With different types of technologies emerging in recent times, the process of web design is transforming with every passing day. The design of a website is expected to play a major role in helping it gain prominence as well as attract the attention of the visitors to the website on a regular basis.

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Author’s Bio:

Eric Haskell has over 15 years of experience as a website developer in Columbia Web Design Company. His favorite niches include web development, programming, e-commerce, and business strategy experience. He also provides information and tips on latest technologies, technical application, and logical concepts to help SC web designer accomplish their goals.

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Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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