6 Rapid Ways to Speed-up Your WordPress Website

The current scenario of online business is pointing towards the importance of website speed. Internet services around the world have benefitted by the advanced technology, thus the average internet speed has increased in manifolds. As a result of which website visitors are becoming less tolerant of slow loading. In the same context Google has also declared to reward fast loading websites with a prominent position in search results. In order to avail dual benefits, during the development of your website keep the loading speed at top priority. Here are 5 object oriented ways to draw wonderful results.


Suppose you use a content management system (CMS) like Joomla or WordPress. People upload images at full size then they adjust their size, this means web browsers has to work on multiple commands. This slows website speed and in order to save yourself from this situation, you can use an image editing program to correct their size before uploading.


Wide varieties of free plugins available are luring webmasters to use them in their website even if they don’t need it. Remember every plugin you add requires several resources to run, so the more unnecessary plugins you will add to your website, the slower it will become.
Another important question is will it add more functionality to your site? Do you really need this functionality? Can you add the plugins’ content in your website’s theme or not?

Updated Website Script

This is an important point to enhance the speed; you have to regularly check whether there is an updated version of website’s script. Take a back up of your website then upgrade it as soon as possible. Website script depends on the kind of platform you are using, CMS or ecommerce. Script developers are constantly working to improve their script for faster downloading. Latest version of script will enable your website to eliminate the roadblocks that could cause a hindrance to your website in faster downloading.


Content delivery network is a vast network of servers which are placed round the globe. When you store images or other heavy content using these services, they provide the information to the visitors from the nearest servers to your website. Instant information with enhanced speed will make visitors and search engines happy.

Browser Caching

Browser caching is an awesome technology to provide the copies of your website pages which are stored in the cache. If a user wishes to see the same website pages they can be called up easily from the cache rather than loading the entire website. This saves many resources which are required to display the pages. As a result of which you will get faster loading.

CSS Files

You must keep your websites’ code clear and tidy and add CSS files at the starting of your code. Include Javescipt snippets at the bottom when you are working on HTML pages.

Above are the easiest techniques to speed up your website’s speed. You can implement these result oriented techniques and if you still have some problem, do contact an experienced website developer to resolve the issue.

Author’s Bio: Daana is a blogger and expert in web designing. She is passionate about using advanced technology. Her articles have helped many non-performing websites to find out the hidden fault and overcome it. Her blog is very popular among IT professionals and here you can find more articles by the same author.

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