Vintage Laptops – the Forefathers of the iPads

Many years ago there were the days when people dreamed about computers that would be small, light-weight, functional and what’s most important – portable. We’ve tried to collect some most significant laptop models that were released at the dawn of the 80’s and that have symbolized the start of the new era of the computer age – the era of portable computers. Maybe some of you were the lucky owners of these legendary devices – then you must be proud of yourself because you have touched the buttons of what today is a computer history.

1. Epson HX-20

Release date: 1981
Screen: 120 × 32-pixel LCD
Mass: 1.6 kg
RAM: 16-32kB

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2. Radio Shack TRS-80

Release date: 1983
Screen: 240×64 LCD
Mass:1.4 Kg
RAM:8 KB – 32 KB

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3. IBM 5155

Release date: 1984
Screen: 9-inch amber display, CGA graphics, 80 X 25 text
Mass:30 pounds

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4. Compaq SLT/286

Date release: 1988
Screen: 640×480
Mass: 14 lbs

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5. NEC UltraLite

Date release: 1988
Screen: CGA compatiable, 320x200x4 or 640x200x2
Mass: 4.4 pounds

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6. Macintosh Portable

Date release: 1989
Screen: 15.25×14.8 inches
Mass: 7.2 kg

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7. Zenith MiniSpot

Date release: 1989
Screen: 80 x 25 text, backlit LCD with 640 x 200 graphics
Mass: 2.7 kg
RAM:1 MB – 2 MB

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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