Trip Around the World: Amazing Bridges.

Bridges are considered to be the incredible engineering achievements today. Their extraordinary constructions and design bring them in the focus of attention. The most famous of them have even become a well-known tourist attractions. Due to their unique features they have achieved the vast popularity and millions of foreign people try to visit them during their trips. Today we present you the most awesome of them (from our point of view). This post shows various examples of bridges: the old and the modern concepts, footbridges and rail-and-road bridges, swing bridges, floating bridges, hanging bridges etc. Let’s browse them!
Henderson Waves (Singapore)

Peace Bridge (designed by Santiago Calatrava)

Banpo Bridge (South Korea)The Fountain Bridge

Carr Bridge (Scotland)

Chengyang Bridge (Sanjiang of Guangxi Province, China)

Erasmus Bridge (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Gateshead Millennium Bridge (Gateshead to Newcastle, UK)

Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)

Hangzhou Bay Bridge (Hangzhou Bay, China)

Lu Pu Bridge (China)

Magdeburg Water Bridge (Magdeburg, Germany)

Nanpu Bridge (Shanghai, China)

New Footbridge (Edinburgh)

Ponte Vecchio (Florence, Italy)

The Bridge of Aspiration (Covent Garden, London, UK)

The Root Bridge (Cherrapungee)

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Hermitbiker
    April 20, 2010

    …. fabulous works of art as bridges !! 🙂

  • Jeannine
    April 20, 2010

    What about Confederation Bridge from Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick, Canada?

  • Andy Hayes | Sharing Travel Experiences
    April 22, 2010

    Great list, although I can’t say I find the footbridge in Edinburgh all that amazing. The buildings it connects are pretty ugly. 🙂

  • Smashing Share
    April 26, 2010

    very nice collection!

  • Dhiren
    April 27, 2010

    Nice collection, just one comment – last photo is from Cherrapungee, India

  • Decking
    June 11, 2012

    All I can say is Wow! How I wish I can go to Henderson Waves in Singapore.
    So cool and very amazing.
    From the bottom of my heart. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy the photos.

  • Mauritius travel
    July 15, 2012

    Awesome Photography

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