Top Must Use Software for Designers

The design industry is very wide with different types of and kinds of designers all busy creating master pieces in their own fields. And there are a lot of creative fields out there that are highly used and in demand. With the advancements of technology, the common man has no idea where and when creativity […]


Best WordPress functions – To Start WordPress Theme Development

WordPress themes come in default and are also developed with new implementations. Before using these themes one must know everything about WordPress functions that go on to develop the themes. There are a wide range of functionalities that need to be known to move forward with the development processes. Needs for projects must be known […]

Becoming a Programmer: Useful Tips

Dreaming to become a programmer? Great idea! Today, programmers are among the most demanded and best-paid professionals in the world. What’s more, you can quickly build up a career and there’s always room for improvement. These rather obvious benefits attract lots of people. However, most of them don’t know a little secret we are going […]

Infographic: Twitter Bootstrap – A Futuristic Framework for the Dictates of the Present

Mark Otto (@mdo) and Jacob Thornton (@fat) released Twitter Bootstrap to the world in August 2011, since then this powerful framework has been creating waves in the web development arena. With provision for a high level of customization and interactivity in websites, this mobile first framework is smooth, intuitive and quick. Owing to its ability […]

What Makes Titanium Framework Ideal For New Players In App Development

Whether you have most talented developers under your roof or not, your startup company will need a robust framework to make strives for business success. There are numerous factors that are required to be considered while creating an advanced application. Mobile applications often become a big challenge even for the well-versed developers. As they are […]

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