8 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Web Designer for Your Small Business Website

A website is usually the first impression that people get of a company, which means if they don’t like their time at the site, they will most likely never buy from your company. So to help give them a great impression of your company, you should have a beautiful and effective website that will convince them you are a trustworthy company and you can meet their needs. To do this, you should be hiring a professional. Take a look at these 8 reasons why to hire one if you are still debating on it.

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Increases Your Conversion Rates

Every business needs money, and the only way to get money is to convert people into customers. A well designed site will have many techniques implemented that help promote your products and services. A professional designer know how to make things appeal to customers and then once a customer is interested, they will use call to actions to give them that extra little push they need to go through with the transaction. If you want more sales, then a professional website is something that is necessary.

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Helps to Improves your Brand

Whether you like it or not, branding is going to be a big aspect of running a small business. If you don’t take control of your brand and public image, then you are going to be losing out on a lot of potential. Branding helps the public identify your business as trustworthy and reliable, so if you are unable to get a good brand going, then it is going to be much harder to convert new customers.

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Makes You Unique to Your Competitors

Being unique will help differentiate you between your competitors and will provide people with a different impression. This is highly important because if there is a lot of competition in your niche, then there are going to be businesses that are able to provide similar products and services for a similar price. So the only difference is what people think of you. If you have a unique look that stands out and is impressive, then you have a better chance at getting the customer.

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Ensures That Your Site is Accessible to Anyone

Professional designers know how to make sure that everything within your site is usable, even by people who are disabled. You may not have even thought of this, but how would you make your site accessible to people that are blind, have other eye problems, hearing problems, learning problems, epilepsy, or other issues?

This is one of the biggest reasons you should be hiring a professional designer is because if your site isn’t accessible, you will be losing out on a lot of potential sales. Don’t think that just because people are disabled, they have no way of using the internet. There are plenty of tools and programs that help them interact with sites and surf the web.

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Helps Your Site Rank Higher With SEO Techniques

If you are not aware of how to implement search engine optimization techniques within a website, then you are bound for failure if you don’t get a professional web designer. It takes a lot of time and effort to learn everything about SEO, and then it takes even more time to practice them and look at the effects it has. Web designers need to know the best SEO methods so that their clients can get ranked as high as possible. Since having a fast loading website also plays a major role in the success of an SEO, they will most probably tell you which hosts are ideal for your website’s needs. This will help you attract much more traffic and make your site visible to targeted audiences. Don’t ignore the SEO aspect of your website because later on down the road, you will find that it is something that cannot be avoided and you will need to go back and have your site optimized.

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Saves You Time and Effort

You probably have much more important things to do than to fiddle around with web development and design for a large amount of time. Small businesses need a lot of work and attention or else they are at risk of failing. So, focus on the bigger issues and let a professional get your website ready.

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Gives Your Users a Much Easier and Enjoyable Experience

Your users are going to have a much better experience on your site if it is professionally designed. They will have no problem navigating it, interacting with it, and will not have to deal with any error messages or messed up pages.

If you have a website that looks average, has errors, and is hard to find things, then how can you expect other people to come and purchase stuff from it? You should always try and look at your site from your visitor’s point of view.

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Helps to Make Your Business Credible & Trustworthy

Designers have ways of implementing a design that gains people’s trust much easier. They will show what type of guarantees you offer, how secure your payment system is, and other things to help gain people’s trust much faster. By having these in places that are easily seen and have high traffic, people will automatically start to trust your business and will be willing to use their hard earned money with your business.

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Hiring a professional designer is a very beneficial move for any small business and will provide you with a much better overall experience when managing your company online.

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About the Author:

Ness is a freelance writer with background in SEO and internet marketing. She currently works as a writer at www.make-a-web-site.com – a site for website owners and web developers. Check them out for more helpful tips and ideas.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • dezayo.com
    November 18, 2013

    Good article

  • Ruby Rocha
    February 26, 2014

    An interesting read on the benefits of hiring a web designer for a small business website. The insights are truly helpful. Thank you for posting.

  • Smaran Alva
    April 2, 2014

    Great article But don’t you think wordpress has made designing easy. I mean you get amazing themes for wordpress meaning you don’t need to design a site. But anyways thanks for sharing you post. 🙂

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