Freelancer? 10 to PDF Converters to Ease Your Life

Freelance job has prоs and it has cons. The main advantage is that you are a boss for yourself and your work is entirely on your responsibility. The other point is that your professional activity completely depends on quality of skills you are able to offer. The only reasonable minus consists in instability. Everyone can decide for himself what way of doing job to choose.

However it’s not all about disadvantages of freelance comparing with 9 to 5 job: once you’ve stepped on a freelancer path, you will face with a necessity of dealing with all the paperwork. But don’t worry – the problem can be easily resolved with different utilities. And the choice is wide, indeed.

Today I’d like to present 10 tools, which converts to PDF format. Anyway, in most cases the converting option is just a part of a wide functionality of PDF management utilities. I hope, these tools would make your freelance activity more comfortable and less problematic.

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Nitro Reader

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Foxit Reader

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PDF Creator

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Microsoft Word to PDF Converter

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UNBC File Converter

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Excel to PDF Converter

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The utilities listed here are quite different in spheres of their functionality. You can find converters from Excel, Microsoft Word, any document, HTML and more.

Please feel free to leave comments regarding this stuff I’ve gathered.

About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Ayisha Papiya
    May 25, 2013

    Great converters really excellent job you have done !!

    • ArtRivera
      May 27, 2013

      Thank you. Glad you liked the digest.

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