Parallax Scrolling Tutorials – Brief Digest of Popular Articles

Web design is always developing, the trends are changing, and approaches to creating are becoming more refined. Professionals need always to improve their skills by checking new tendencies, which appear very often. The best way to do it: to plunge regularly into the web space and seek for more and more info about the new techniques. And what is more important – to implement it into virtual reality.

I know that this post is only the drop in the web ocean, but this ocean anyway consists of the drops. So my mission of helping web designers to become better is satisfied. For this purpose I gathered fresh parallax scrolling tutorials and tips. Parallax is not so fresh trend, it was rage back in 2011, when Nike launched their site. Nevertheless, parallax trend not only holding positions, but spreads further all over the web.

I told you the digest is aimed for the pros, but don’t believe me-in-the-previous-paragraph. It will be totally useful for newbies as well. Need to add, the new players in web design game even have an advantage: newbies don’t carry the burden of the old trends, so they can immediately start their carriers with making the modern sites.

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Parallax Tutorials. Roundup from DesignFloat

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Parallax scrolling responsive framework

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Create interactive parallax scrolling pages

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Tips on How to Smartly Use Parallax Scrolling for Your Website

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Scrolly: a simple jQuery parallax plugin

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Jazz up a Static Webpage with Subtle Parallax

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Super Easy Parallax Effect with jQuery

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Learn, Buy, and Cheat Your Way To An Incredible Parallax Scrolling Website

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Tutorial: How to implement the parallax scrolling effect, part 1

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jQuery parallax slider plugin FractionSlider

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A Simple Parallax Scrolling Technique

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I listed the articles from the most fresh to the most popular. There you can find tutorials of how to code the parallax effect and also the tips of how to optimize the website using it.

Do you like the digest? Please let me know in the comments below.

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About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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