Orks in Expressive CG Illustrations. The War Power

If you are a fan of Fantasy genre of literature, you should know about such characters of orks. The powerful race of orks has become popular not only in literature (due to J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy writings), but also among digital artists and it is brightly depicted in various artworks. This warrior race is a race of physically strong creatures that usually act as soldiers. They are described as powerful creatures with green skin, muscle-bound look of the body, stormy look of the eyes and they possess great fighting skills. Their main aim is total disaster wherever they appear, they are warring between themselves and against other races.
Today’s post features CG illustrations of orks that are gathered from all around the web. Let’s browse them!


Wounded Ork by dori3d


Ork by AHTUNG3591


Kraanian Red Ork by tikos


Nasty Ork by Franklin Thomas


Urk the Ork by jarling-art


Ork by Personaj


Ork by punchmybucket


Ork 3D Model by yzorg


Ork and Dwarf by N-ossandon-Nezt


Ork by Holdeen


Bruellender Ork by nathie


Ork by Ketka


Ork by Sinto-risky


Ork by Snowbyte


The Slave by kerembeyit

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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