7 Outstanding WP Plugins to Manage Online Courses

WordPress is a popular Content Management System (CMS) used by the top online businesses around the world. It also offers a largest blogging system with over 60 millions websites. This interactive open source system allows the users to create website and blog system with all relevant features and elements. This is what makes it a popular resource among the website owners and bloggers who use it to interact with their audience. WordPress has efficient plugins that maximize the functionality of a website and enhance the user experience.

These plugins also offer range of options for the online educators who want to teach through the modern methods of e-learning. These plugins can be integrated into Learning Management System (LMS) to enable the educators teach more and manage less. Here I will inform you about key plugins that can improve the usability of your website and at the same time make you more accessible to your target audience.

1. Sensei

Sensei is a plugin for LMS, created by Woothemes. This cool educational tool integrates learning in digitized form. The plugin allows the teachers to create lesson plans, develop courses and post quizzes. Sensei uses Graphic User Interface (GUI) to invite the users and facilitates them with simple and easy registration process. With sensei, educators can set up a stylized theme that can best suit their audience. Sensei also provides an analysis of the grades, contents and the students registered with your website.

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2. Membership

Teaching is the easiest way you can earn money through online resources. That is to say, if you are missing payment button in your website, you are missing some good money. Membership empowers you to convert your visitors into bucks. So if you are a proficient educator who knows his worth, then Membership can help you get value of your knowledge and skills. With Memebership, you can get started with a free membership for limited access that you can extend with paid subscription.

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3. Tanida Quiz Builder

Tanida Quiz Builder is a set of quizzes formatted in flash that can be integrated into a website or converted into a Word document or EXE file. Tanida Quiz Builder offers variety of contents for assessment that include Q & A, True & False, Fill in the Blanks and MCQs. The plugin is known for its simple user interface and can easily be customize for a quiz session.

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4. Pay Per View

Pay Per View is a plugin that helps you sell course contents to your audience. This plug-in facilitates payment methods through credit card system or PayPal. So whether you have expertise in writing informative text contents or creating educational videos, you can convert it into good bucks with Pay Per View.

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5. WP Course Manager

WP Course Manager is an innovative plugin to get all your courses, lecturers and dates on your website or blog. This plugin allows you to record profiles of lecturers, manage courses and organize important dates. It is based on responsive design which is suitable for the users who connect through smartphones and iPads.

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6. Moodle

This plugin enables the users to list courses on Moodle through their WordPress account. With this plugin, users can navigate between WordPress and Moodle. For general audience, they can communicate on the WordPress while they can interact with the students and parents through Moodle. The plugin is coded in a WordPress website and therefore must be supervised by a web developer.

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7. Easy Quiz

Easy Quiz is yet another plugin based on ‘Question & Answer’ format. Unlike other quiz plugins in WordPress directory, Easy Quiz does not store information on your website. The plugin does not even record any statistics or results of a test and is solely meant to inform the users.

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Author Bio:

Sylvia Lewis is one of the professional logo designers at logo pearl and an author. She loves to write on technology, graphic designing and computing. You can contact her on Facebook.

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Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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