The Stylistic Interference by Murat Palta: Movie Scenes in Turkish Renaissance Style
The more things change, the more they stay the same this is the main principle of the works included into this blog post. Those who have even the least understanding of art works will notice that the following illustrations resemble Renaissance paintings, and they will be right. Turkish illustrator Murat Palta used this principle when creating these movie posters.
Murat prepared these illustrations for his final thesis and received great appreciation from his teacher and fellow students. He mixed visual style of Turkish oriental miniature paintings with themes of contemporary Western cinema. By combining global with local, traditional with contemporary and adding a bit of humor made it a fun and rewarding experience for him. Starting with Star Wars, Murat he went on to other cult films such as Pulp Fiction, A Clockwork Orange, Scarface and Kill Bill.
Star Wars
Pulp Fiction
A Clockwork Orange
Kill Bill
God Father
Terminator 2