Motion Blur. Ever Wonderful Photo Effect

I hope that you will like this tiny collection of wonderful motion blur photos. This effect helps to create the movement blur in a still image and it is achieved due to a rapid movement or long exposure. You can move either the object or the camera and get this cool sense of motion that is known as blur motion. Of course, you can create the illusion of this effect using Photoshop, nothing is impossible. It is for you to choose the way of achieving this effect, in both cases the results will be really wonderful. Before you start creating your own motion blur artworks, let’s have a look at some inspiring images of this kind.


Early Morning by Dreamer7112


Carrera 4S by servalpe


Goal Kick by ben_hates_cricket


Like a Record… by shoothead


Motion Blur by gillespinault


Motion Blur by Michael Dawes


Motion Blur by themonnie


Motion Blur by Wishard of Oz


Motion Blur Frozen by Mariano Kamp


Motorcycle Motion Blur by PhiltographyImages


To the Rescue by erozier2


Tumbling Dice by rosendahl


Untitled by wwwigz


Hypermarket Fruits by Endre 3000


Hummingbird by Neva in 2011


Motion Blur by Argon X

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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