Free Emulators for Mobile Testing, Do It as All PROs

All possible kinds of emulators are essential for the design process. First rule of design club is “you need to provide testing”, the second rule of the design club “YOU NEED TO PROVIDE TESTING“. How else will you be sure that website you create is fully compatible with latest browser versions and renders adequately on all portable device’ screens.

Here we’ve made a selection of mobile emulators for all possible platforms, devices, browsers etc. All you need to do it to scroll you mouse wheel and the most appropriate for you. What’s more we’ve selected several Chrome extensions, since this browsed is the most popular among designers and developers.

Have a pleasant testing time!

Mobile Emulators & Simulators: The Ultimate Guide

37 download resources for hundreds of emulators and simulators.

iOS Simulator 3.7GB, Android Emulator 20MB AND 60MB per platform package, HP Webos Emulator 260MB, Samsung Galaxy Tab Add-on 52MB, Motorola XOOM Add-on 2MB, Nokia Symbian Emulator 500-750MB for each platform version, Nokia Series 40 Emulators 30-100MB each, Motorola Add-on SDK for Android 30-60MB each, Blackberry Simulators 50-170MB each, Blackberry Playbook Simulator 105MB, Windows Phone 7 Simulator 500MB, Sony Ericson SDK for Android 50MB, Nook SDK for Android 130MB, Opera Mobile Emulator 15-25MB, Opera Mini Simulator, Firefox for Mobile Simulator 20MB, QT Simulator 500-900MB, Nokia Web SDK Simulator 200MB, Phone gap Simulator 15MB, Adobe Device Center CS5, Bada Simulator 200-400MB, Garnet Emulator 200/400MB, Windows Mobile 6 Emulator 600MB, Windows Mobile 6.5 Emulator Images 250MB, Windows Mobile 6.1 Emulator Images 400MB, Device Emulator With Windows Mobile 5 60MB, I-Mode HTML Simulator 38MB, Mite 2.0 75MB, Sony Ericson SDK for Windows Mobile 6.1 7MB, Samsung Device Emulator Skins for Windows Mobile 7MB,
Sony Ericson Phonegap Simulator 2MB, LG SDK for the Java Platform 60-100MB, Sony Ericson SDK for the Java Platform 120MB, Samsung Java SDK 150MB, Samsung Mobile Widget Emulator 150MB, Motorola java ME SDKS 40-150MB, WAC Emulator 150MB, BREW SDK 200MB.


Mobile Phone Emulator

Simple but highly efficient website emulator, just pick the device you need to test, enter website URL and hit “GO!”


The easiest way to test in mobile & tablet browser emulators

  • Instant browser-based access;
  • Mobile Safari, Android & Opera mobile;
  • Browsers running on official emulators;
  • Every emulator has original device config;
  • Test in iPad, iPhone, Galaxy Tab & more;
  • Test local server and web designs.


Chrome Extensions for Mobile Testing

Smartphone Simulator

This app does the simulation within the chrome browser by switching to website’s mobile version (IF and ONLY IF the website has a mobile version).


Ripple Emulator

A browser based HTML5 mobile application development and testing tool.


Apple II js

Apple II js is an Apple II emulator written entirely in JavaScript and HTML5 by


Mobile toolkit

This complete toolkit helps you to validate the code of any page, check it on several mobile emulators and find documentation to improve your mobile compatibility.


Responsive Tester

An extension for quickly testing web sites responsiveness. Acts like an in-browser emulator giving the ability to drag-to-resize, view current resolution and set custom resolution. This extension doesn’t resize the browser, so it’s easy to switch back and forth for testing.


Pig Toolbox (Super Gestures)

Mouse gestures, Wheel gestures, Rocker gestures, Super Drag, Super one click, User defined context menu, User defined shortcuts,…This extension has a powerful mouse gestures features and various functions. This extension will help to save the memory. And it is much more convenient than before in using Chrome.


appMobi HTML5 XDK

Develop HTML5-based apps with the appMobi XDK (cross platform development kit) The XDK is the world’s first HTML5 powered mobile.

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Written by

Alexander B.


  • Asghar ali
    September 3, 2013


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