Key Skills to Leverage Your Talent As a Mobile App Developer

According to research by Flurry Analytics, mobile app users have hit 58 million. It is not surprising to know that most of these 58 million users are found in the 8 p.m prime-time slot for TV viewing. The survey further found that the number of mobile app users has exceeded of even that of desktops and laptops. This reminds me of a similar prediction by ComScore that by 2014 mobile will overtake desktop usage by a storm.

Enterprises must think of mobile as a medium to address multiple issues. With strategic investments in the mobile app platform businesses can not only increase their revenue but build a highly sort-after brand image. Whereas, mobile app developers can do much more to take advantage of the booming mobile scenario. Here’s how:


Identify potential idea and concepts for your next app-development project. Use a a holistic approach wherein your users find solutions and quality experiences. Refrain from the one-size-fits-all ideology and customize your app development.


Befriend a pool of talented and reliable developer community. Brainstorm and share your app development ideas. Find out what’s new and what has the potential to be deciphered. Though you may not get too much room for experimentation; practice and showcase your skills regularly with your community, and lastly allow feedbacks and suggestions to grow faster.


If you want to stand out in the crowd, which all of us wish at some point of time in our careers, simply focus on developing mobile apps with the best advanced user experience. Find out who your users are and what they actually want from your app? Consider every element individually and include a flow into what your app development project.

Image Source: Stock Photo by Shutterstock

Remember the rule of the thumb: Make mistakes but never repeat them

As per a new report from Strategy Analytics it says that in 2013 mobile business apps will be used by more than 200 million mobile workers. This growth will generate a revenue of up to $50 billion by the end of 2017. Mobile has pushed economies to be more productive by giving round-the-clock access to information. It has amazingly changed the way we think, work, socialize and share data.

Though, app-security will always be a concern for app users, it will never be a road-block to its growing progress. There is tremendous research and development running on MAM and MDM.

To Summarize

With more and more operating systems and devices specifications you may find yourself drowning. Nevertheless, as an app developer you have access to a wide variety of development tools. However, that isn’t enough you need to have a creative bend of mind to create simply stunning and meaningful apps.

Networking with the right people, at the right time is as important for a developer as keeping himself or herself updated. Make sure you share your achievements and failures with other reliable developers who can adequately guide and boost your confidence. Attend seminars, conferences, workshops or just about any event you find useful to develop your skills. Most importantly, never give up.

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Author’s Bio:

Carlos Wilson works for MyFirstMobileApp, a leading mobile application development company providing custom mobile app development solutions. He likes sharing his app development knowledge in various developer communities and loves developing infotainment mobile apps. Follow him on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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