‘Making of’ Videos Compiled

In our everyday life we are surrounded by dozens of simple things making it easy and comfortable. Sometimes we even don’t think how much time and efforts have been invested into the process of their creation. Nevertheless, the majority of trivial stuff can surprise you with the complexity and uncommonness of techniques used at its manufacturing. Can you imagine how contact lenses or your favorite chewing gums are produced? If your answer is yes, you are probably a professor at some technical university… But if your answer sounds like: “Not much…” – you get a good chance to while away the time with practical benefit for your IQ.

Here you will find a compilation of fun educational videos of how common things are made. Having viewed them all, you will be able to explain the process to your curious kids or amaze your friends with the level of your erudition. In any case, the videos are interesting and amusing, so have a good time!


By the way, unwrapping the process (slide 95) of manufacturing can be used by brands as a part of marketing campaign, raising the customers’ interest to the offered product.

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The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca

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The Magnificent Obsession of Hand Making Person

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How Balloons are Manufactured

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How Ice Cream-Filled Lollies are Made…

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How Chewing Gum is Made

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How it’s Made: Airline Meals

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Making a Diamond Ring…

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How Toothpaste is Made

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How They Make Potato Chips

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How Peanut Butter is Made……

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Manufacturing Heinz Tomato Ketchup

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How Credit Cards are Made

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How Does it Work? – Lava Lamps

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How Zippers are Made

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Bulletproof Vest – How it’s Made and Used..

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How Champagne is Made

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Tequila: How it’s Made

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Making Super Sharp Ceramic Knives

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How Boomerangs are Professionally Made

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How it’s Made Fireworks

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How Things are Made – CDs

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How Things are Made – STEERING WHEEL

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How it’s made: Contact Lenses

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How a Louis Vuitton Shoe is Made

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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