Make Your Mood with 40 Bright Facebook Layouts

Once upon a time there was a kingdom. The sun was shining all along. And the inhabitants of that kingdom never saw not only snow, but even cold rain. It was a gorgeous country and an ideal place for life and recreation. Excellent climate, azure ocean, and endless beautiful beaches with golden sand! All the visitors of that magical land of everlasting greenery thought, that it was a paradise! Heaven on earth without any rules and restrictions. It was the only place where they could go at red and stop at green (eating a watermelon). And day by day everything was changing… Their hair was getting lighter, skin – darker, music – louder, nights – longer and their life was getting better:). The days were so hot that even a pig at the beach could say,"Well, probably now I am not a pig anymore – I am bacon!",

People did not have internet there, because they did not really need it. Nobody worked there! And that`s why they all had happy faces and good humor. Every day they organized a lot of celebrations and parties with dances, fun contests and cool beverages with little colorful umbrellas by the pool. Women there were so hot, that even the sun was jealous of them. Those tanned Aphrodites were strolling along the beaches in small bikinis or laying on snow-white loungers with glasses of ice-cold cocktails. And most girls wore dark glasses, so that it was impossible to understand who was fashionable and who was plain and unattractive. They all seemed equally beautiful.

You probably have already guessed the name of this kingdom. It is SUMMER! And every year we all are desperately trying to get there. Techniques and methods are not important. It can be a trip to the sea, a visit to your grandparents or a tour to exotic countries. This is all great! But sometimes it happens that you cannot implement your plans or even have to work:(. And what can you do in such a deplorable situation? There is no use in sitting and crying over your spoiled vacation. The first thing you can do is to awaken a sleeping artist or creative designer inside you and to turn your residence into a piece of summer art. A bunch of flowers and ripe juicy fruit will easily create a bright atmosphere of summer and joy. The second important thing is your look! Summer loves to be met by light and bright clothing and accessories. And finally – smile:). If summer sees your charming smile, it will definitely smile back.

Bright Evergreen Facebook Template

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Give the Green Light to Your Business with New Facebook Template

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Colorful Business Facebook Template

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Simplicity and Exquisite Taste – Design Studio Facebook Template

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Succulent Cafe and Restaurant Facebook Template

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Accurate and Strong Archery Facebook Template

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Green Energy – University Facebook Template

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Calming and Amiable Family Center Facebook Template

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Green Fingers – Agriculture Facebook Template

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Practical and Modern Business Facebook Template

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Catchy and Bright Travel Agency Facebook Template

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Delicate and Precise Software Facebook Template

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Usable and Stylish Designer Portfolio Facebook Template

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Pleasing and Cuddly Cafe and Restaurant Facebook Template

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Gorgeous and Successful Business Facebook Template

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Clear and Frank Religious Facebook Template

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Pure and Free Religious Facebook Template

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Positive and Happy Family Center Facebook Template

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Awesome and Bright Web Design Facebook Template

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Stylish and Moderate Business Facebook Template

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Designer Portfolio Facebook Template

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Relaxing and Warm Beauty Salon Facebook Template

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Fresh and Juicy Web Development Facebook Template

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Vivid and Bright Design Studio Facebook Template

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Splashy Fashion Facebook Template

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Luminous Business Facebook Template

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Fresh and Crispy Business Facebook Template

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Religious Facebook Template

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Vital and Strong Agriculture Facebook Template

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Saucy Lemon – Interior Design Facebook Template

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Sunny Agriculture Facebook Template

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Reliable Business Facebook Template

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Stable and Safe Business Facebook Template

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Solid and Strict Architecture Facebook Template

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Cheery and Sunny Business Facebook Template

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Elegant and Refined Wedding Planner Facebook Template

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Simple and Pretty Computer Store Facebook Template

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Welcoming and Affable Cafe and Restaurant Facebook Template

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Serious and Grave Industrial Facebook Template

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Positive and Effective Business Facebook Template

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Written by

Alexander B.

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