Make your business cards more interesting

In a world saturated with cheap online business cards, how can you make yours more interesting? Add a touch of colour to the edges. By simply adding a coloured edge to your business card, you can turn the ordinary into something striking and worth holding on to.

There are a lot of online printers that will charge you the earth to add colour edges by bonding a coloured sheet into the middle of two white sheets which are then printed and trimmed to size. This in some cases can cost the high hundreds ££!

Thankfully, with a little imagination and 30 minutes of your time, there is a far cheaper way! Just edge paint them. Edge painting is not only cheap, it also produces a bolder coloured edge!

How to edge paint your business card:

Take an inch and a half of stacked business cards and place them under a weight. Make sure they are all evenly position with no cards sticking out at the edges! This part is very important. A few seconds of patience can make a big BIG difference to the final finish!

Purchase some acrylic paint from your local Hobbycraft or similar. Mix with 50% rubbing alcohol. Distilled water would also do the trick.

Lightly apply with a foam brush (available on ebay for pennies!). We find a light dabbing motion works best. Be sure not to push too hard otherwise you will force it between the cards.

I’d recommend 2-3 coats for a nice even finish. After approximately 30 minutes, once the cards are dry to the touch, separate the business cards. Leaving them in a staggered pile for another hour or so should be long enough. Now dazzle your clients with your stylish new coloured edge business cards!

You can find Professional Business Cards and other Corporate Identity here.

Curvy Dark Business Card

Curvy Dark Business Card.

Deweal Business Card

Deweal Business Card.

Abstract Business Card

Abstract Business Card.

Dream Studio Creative Business Card

Dream Studio Creative Business Card.

Business Card 18 Templates Bundle

Business Card 18 Templates Bundle.
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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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