Kite Photography – New Look at The Old World

A thoroughly enjoyable day with a very light wind can make all the better for making spectacular birds-eye photos. If you geared up for such a pastime, then go fly a kite to give photo buffs awesome aerial views. But first see how other people had a go with their kites! All pictures listed below were taken from a camera suspended on the line of a kite. This is so called kite aerial photography or simply KAP. Did you know that KAP was utilized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for military reconnaissance, disaster assessment, scientific surveys, capturing cities’ novel views, and more purposes? No, seriously, this form of remote sensing rooted itself long ago. Well, no wonder, up in the air photography gives us a slightly different view of the earth. See therefore if you can pick out all the tiny things that are captured on these fabulous shots!

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Gnuboss
    September 15, 2011

    Wow, what a collection of really cool looking photos from an interesting perspective.

    That one with the birds flying over with the sharks in the water below is unbelievable.

  • Space Coast KAPer
    September 15, 2011

    These photos are some of the best KAP I’ve ever seen. I would like to know, were all these photos taken by you or is this post a collection of other people’s work? If these are all your own photos, I would be very excited to know more about the equipment used, how you went about finding such interesting shots, how you were able to get your kite and rig positioned over some of these area such as the tennis courts? In my town we have a tennis club, but there are power lines to the east, trees to the north, the club house building on the west and a roadway on the north, there’s just no way I could take a photo like this. Also the pictures looking straight down at people, I have tried to produce such images many times, however I find that once the camera is anything more than about twenty feet off the ground, people start looking like dots in the image, and if I zoom before launch every picture comes out blurry. So I guess my curiosity here is referring back to your equipment. How do you get such magnificent shots? Like the previous commenter, I think the bird with the sharks is the best photo. I also like the swimmer in the ocean wave. Incredible.

  • recortar siluetas
    September 22, 2011

    Really it was a nice picture……….its cool and beautiful photos

  • Vee
    November 29, 2011

    I assume you got permission from the authors to post these images? They are copyright protected which means you cannot use them without their permission.

    April 20, 2012

    Do you know that first Kap was made in year 1888 by Arthur BATUT in Labruguiere – Tarn – France ?

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