New Kid on the Block: jQuery Website Tour Plugins

Using jQuery plugins as the most advanced tools in your website’s building process, allow you not only to create effective and multifunctional presentation of your website project, but also to provide your website users with rich visual experience. This time we brought to you the great set of jQuery plugins which includes website tour, help and instructional jQuery plugins. Each of them has detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions that will help you simply set the appropriate plugin and use it for your web project. So enhance your professional level working with jQuery plugins and move your website to the higher level!

jQuery Joyride Feature Tour Plugin

This jQuery plugin was build to provide you with simple settings which will help you to take control of how people interact with your tour. Also it was programmed to be compatible with modern browsers.

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Alvaro’s Simple Tour Plugin

The key feature of this jQuery plugin is that it has quite simple structure which gives all necessary elements, configurations and tooltips to this plugin.

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Flexible jQuery Plugin

Using this flexible plugin, you can create effective presentation of your website tour in stylish and high customizable way.

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Website Tour with jQuery

This useful plugin will be in great demand for all website owners who need to provide their users with website tour and explain them the functioning of the web application in an interactive way.

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If you miss Clippy or his friends, this full JavaScript implementation of Microsoft Agent is ready to be embedded in any website, you just need to choose your assistant and pick some animation buttons.

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Bootstarp Tour

Bootstrap Tour is an easy to configure site tour wizard based on Twitter Bootstrap. It is inspired by Joyride relies on a similar structure for the tour markup.

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This plugin is an interactive guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3 which will help your users learn about new features and functions of your website.

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jQuery E-Help Plugin

jQuery E-Help is plugin for web user interface help and it’s useful for all web applications, CMS and E-commerce systems.

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Guidely – jQuery Website Tours

Guidely is a functional jQuery plugin that facilitates guided website tours for your new or returning website users. This plugin is paid.

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jQuery Website Tour for WordPress

This plugin allows you to create multiple tours on your website with jQuery. You can create tours that are spanning over multiple pages and link tours together. This jQuery website plugin is paid.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • ricky martin
    September 14, 2012

    why you are not excepting my comments.

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