Let’s Dream a Bit about Future Technology Progress: How iPhone 6 Will Look Like

People caught their breaths in waiting. Don’t you know why? Seems like you are cut from IT news sphere. Well, I have no aim to test your curiosity:

iPhone 6 is coming…

Genial Steve Jobs started this series of this revolutionary device. And now, even after his death, Steve’s matter is alive. And the first characteristic of life is definitely evolution. Thus the next generation of iPhone should be released soon, probably in 2014. There are many rumors about the features iPhone 6 will include. The concepts from different designers often conflict each other, so no one (even Apple I believe) can say exactly how the new iPhone will look. However, I want to review the existing assumptions to imagine how iPhone 6 may look like.

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One of the most popular projects is one presented by a designer Johnny Plaid. It has a certain set of features, which create a unique and holistic design.

Edge-to-edge display. The screen goes around the edge, so it gives an opportunity to make the device bigger without the resizing of the phone itself.

Thin, thinner and even thinner than thinner. This is obviously good for aesthetics of device, which have a natural tendency for minimization.

Retina 2 and REALD layered display. The next generation of Retina technology will make the quality of visual transmitting much better.

Touch button instead of physical one. I think no one can argue the fact, that Apple should have got rid of barbaric home button long ago. Touch buttons at the bottom has already become a regular practice in modern smartphone buttons.

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When aforementioned edge-to-edge design is brought to its maximum potential, we get in result endless display. So, the screen is fully continuing around the phone: it covers not only the edges, but also stretches all over the back. I can hardly imagine, what’s the practical use for such kind of a display, however it looks very nice and innovative.

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The Webcraftireland’s version was launched on DeviantArt. Comparing with Johnny Plaid’s iPhone 6 it doesn’t have edge-to-edge display and it’s not shiny. Nevertheless, the metallic case and sharp corners can be considered as exclusive features of this DeviantArt project. And, of course, Webcraftireland’s iPhone is thin: we can’t anywhere go without this benefit.

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A designer Pritesh Chavan thinks that Apple will use a wonderful technology of a flexible screen. The concept is simple: we will be able to change the size of the screen physically. It may definitely sound like sci-fi. However, what is Apple if not a company that makes fantastic things become real?

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The prize for oddity gets a project of iPhone 6 with the curved screen. It also doesn’t include any home button, but without any alternative like the touch button in Paid’s version.

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These are the main fantasies about iPhone 6 design. But we can’t live in our dreams, so I can give you a way to get down to Earth: open official iPhone 6 updates websit and watsch what is really going on.

It’s interesting to know, which design you like most. How do you think, which one is the most similar to the real iPhone 6 from the future? The comment section is totally for your thoughts regarding that.

About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Julius
    October 1, 2013

    I wish it could be edge-to-edge by Johnny Plaid’s concept, looks reasonable. 3 sizes in one lol that’s for iPhone 66 I guess)
    Nice article, keep it up!

    • ArtRivera
      October 1, 2013

      Johnny Plaid’s version looks harmonic and detailed, so I believe it should be quite similar to the future iPhone.

      Flexible screen is definitely cool, but I mentioned about its sci-fi essence for reason. =)

      Thanks for positive feedback. =)

    • ArtRivera
      February 5, 2014

      Agree with you, Plaid’s is the most realistic.
      Thanks. =)

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