Brazilian Chic in Striking Illustrations by Douglas Alves

Today we continue the series of posts dedicated to the artists whose works are worth seeing and discussing. This time we are going to present the inspiring images of the well-known illustrator and graphic designer Douglas Alves, the Brazilian artist whose studio is located in Los Angeles. He became famous due to his amazing works for such companies as Coca-Cola, Mtv, Microsoft and Honda and a number of others. He focuses in art direction and illustrations for various kind of medias and he has considerably succeeded in this sphere. You know that a picture paints thousand of words and that’s why I offer you to see his works of art in your own eyes and admire them!
















25 Feb 2011

Adobe Fireworks Tutorials + Useful Tips. Roundup from DesignFloat

We all know what is Adobe Fireworks and what it is good…

21 Sep 2012

Retina Wallpapers You Know Yourself for Which Displays:)

Do you own the new retina MacBook Pro, or the new iPhone5?…

Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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