Illustrations by Cris De Lara and Their Vibrant Beauty

The portfolio of this versatile artist is full of illustrations of children, fan art, comic books illustrations, cartoon images, portraits, caricatures, and, of course, our favorite pin-up. You can recognize her works among hundreds of others easily because they are really unique. Mix of styles, vibrant color palette, fascinating details with nice accents make these pieces undoubtedly attractive to the audience. Can you guess her name? Yes, the artist we are speaking about is Cris De Lara, the talented artist that is well-known for her wonderful illustrations, digital paintings and graphic/web design. The diversity of themes that are presented in her artworks is amazing, the professionalism is evident. The first thing that you notice in them is their exceptional beauty and this beauty can cast a spell on you for a long time.
Well, I think you are quite ready to start and browse this collection of inspiring illustrations by Cris De Lara.


Sweet Whispers


Ipanema’s Girl


Nadja, the Mystery of East




Jolly Halloween


Marie Antoinette’s Revenge

Baby Alice


Tough Choice


Baby Vader


Continuing Education




Fairy Meeting


Morgan Portrait


No Classes Today




Waiting for Her

05 Apr 2013

Skeuomorphism Infographic That Would Remind about Real Life

People are programmed in their instincts to fear everything unknown or at…

16 Aug 2011

Children’s Illustrations by Valeria Docampo

It doesn’t matter how old we are, wonderful tales from our childhood…

Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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