Hyperrealistic Paintings by Tom Martin

Paintings by Tom Martin are the reflection of the everyday life and he brings it to the viewers in all its effetivensss and realism. Using the acrylic paint, he creates these amazing pieces that are so familiar to us, ‘cause they are a part of our daily routine. Speaking about his artworks, the term “hyperrealistic” is used as the most exact to define this technique. According to the idea of hyperrealism, the works should look more real than real. The same effect we can observe while browsing all the paintings by Tom Martin. For today this 23-years-old fellow is one of the most well-known hyperrealist artists in the world, and if you haven’t seen his paintings yet, let’s enjoy them together in this post.


Complimentary Flavours


Its all Good


A Wok Full


Another Source


Close up


Cold Winter Chill


Daily Essentials


Delicately Smooth Taste


Forbidden Favorites


Natural Delicacies




One of Five


Skull Crushers


Summer Sensations


Typical Composition


Typical Composition

02 Oct 2008

Collection of Grape Logos- first on the web

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Cool Barcode Art by Scott Blake

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • ArenaCreative.com Stock Photos
    October 24, 2011

    Amazing… this guy has a CMOS sensor for a brain! So photo realistic

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