Horror Movie Posters Making Your Blood Freeze

You can’t but agree that All Hallows’ Eve is a great time to watch a good horror movie and listen to a harrowing story. Even if you are not a great fan of this genre it is impossible to resist the general spirit of the holiday. A special atmosphere of Halloween gives us a unique opportunity to let a bit of magic into our life as witches, zombies, vampires and the rest of out-worldly creatures can be met right at the doorstep of your house and even play a spiteful trick on you.

Horror movies notwithstanding their bloody plots can be a real cure for our troubled minds. During watching we are so thrilled and absorbed by the frightful action on the screen that we completely forget about all problems no matter how serious they seemed to us before. Adrenaline rushes inside our veins filling the muscles with energy and strength. Such specific distraction helps us look at the issues from another angle and find a fresh, non-standard solution.

Besides the above stated, horror movies help us get rid of our fears. We have an opportunity to look directly into the eyes of our deepest phobias without any risk for our health or life. It’s a kind of shock therapy which is surely works well not for each and every person. Horror movies are absolutely contraindicated to kids and people of too sensitive psychological type.

As to horror movie posters, it is a special design art. They should be terrifying, but still extremely attractive in order not to scare away the visitors and stir the intolerable desire to buy a ticket and watch the movie. Herein under, there is a collection of horror movie posters that will make cold sweat run down your back. Their designs and typography are powerful and expressive. Maybe you will even find some new ideas for your Halloween designs as the posters are highly artistic and professional. But less words, more action, it’s thousand times better to see them with your own eyes!

Not trembling yet?! BOO!!!

Dark Circles

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The Devil Inside

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Home Sweet Home

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Silent Hill: Revelation

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The Bay

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Last Kind Words

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Lovely Molly

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Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes

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Billy Club

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Chernobyl Diaries

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Don’t Go in the Woods

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House at the End of the Street

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The Pact

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The Raven

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Six Degrees of Hell

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The Theatre Bizarre

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Apartment 1303

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The Cabin in the Woods

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Zavera Farid
    January 4, 2013

    Great horror posters, i have seen most of these movies, would love to download apartment 1303 movie when its released!

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