Thanksgiving Day – Time to Recall What We are Thankful for…

The fourth Thursday of November has come at last, which means that American families are busy with thorough preparations for celebrating of the annual Thanksgiving Day! Fattened turkeys are waiting in the scorching ovens for their solo in the center of the festive table, although we can’t prove for certain that Pilgrims paid tribute to their protein rich flesh in 1621 in Plymouth during the first ceremony. Actually turkey enjoys the deserved popularity among Thanksgiving delicacies because of far more prosaic reasons. Wild turkeys were widely spread all over the New England those days and unlike hens or cows, for instance, they are absolutely useless when it comes to producing milk or eggs.

Turkey is not the only eatable guest that was not invited on the first celebration. Cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes also became traditional later on. We won’t keep the intrigue and simply reveal the fact that, unfortunately, potatoes has not been discovered by Pilgrims yet and sugar, an essential ingredient of cranberry sauce, has been an unobtainable dainty either. Lack of necessary components prevented the Pilgrims from baking a pumpkin pie; nevertheless, the second Thanksgiving was marked by this significant event.

Owing to Abraham Lincoln the holiday gained its official public status in 1863. Now Thanksgiving is considered a special day for most Americans. Notwithstanding all this fuss with NFL football games and Macy’s Parade, it’s a great time when we come back to our hometowns, meet our school friends on holiday’s eve, eat, drink, communicate and spend time with our family. All of us have lots of things we are thankful for, sometimes we forget about them and regret about some broken dreams. Thanksgiving is a good occasion to tally up in a warm cozy atmosphere and to make the right accents in order not to miss really important things…

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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