Graffiti Furniture. Street Art in Your House

Can you imagine a street art as a part of your interior design? Walls of your bedroom in grunge paintings, graffiti all over the furniture surfaces, crazy installations – all these signs speak for the presence of street art trends in the interior of your apartments. If you haven’t seen such pieces of art before, you can be shocked, but I dare share with you this collection of cool pieces of graffiti furniture. This style can be an offence to good taste of those who prefer the classic approach to the interior design, but modern world dictates the new standards and even the most eccentric of them are appropriate in terms of art trends today. Graffiti style attacks and it gains its popularity year after year impressing us with its brightness and original of solutions. And what do you think about this style and graffiti furniture as its stunning example?


Graffiti Furniture by Anna James


Imperfection by Jimmie Martin


Graffiti Chair by Luis Alicandu


Graffiti Furniture by Matthew Higham Antique


Graffiti Furniture by Urbankind


Graffiti Furniture by Urbankind


Graffiti Furniture by Urbankind


Graffiti Furniture by Douglas Homer


Graffiti Furniture by Matthew Higham Antiques


Graffiti Furniture by Urbankind


Graffiti Table by Luis Alicandu


Imperfection Chests by Jimmie Martin


Rock ‘n’ Roll Number Jimmie Martin


Romeo and Juliet by Anna James


Sofa by Jimmie Martin


Throne by Ted Nemeth


White Graffiti Chest by Jimmie Martin


Graffiti Furniture by DIY Kids

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • second hand furniture london
    May 17, 2013

    Honestly speaking, I never seen such this kinds of innovative and extraordinary furniture in my whole life. It’s superb, fantastic, outstanding. I do not have any words to appreciate it.. Awesome 🙂 Thanks…

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