Taking a Picture of a Picture from the Past in the Present

As of late, we’ve discovered a website named Dear Photograph that collects unusual photographs. Most of the photos exposed on this site are simply pictures in the pictures with incredible time lag within them. These photographs depict what can be seen as two separate pictures within one frame, with an illusion of a smaller version of the picture within itself. It’s however not a photo collage, upon closer inspection it appears that each picture is embedded into the same reality, seamlessly blending with the surroundings. We feel as if the displayed subjects go beyond the pictorial space, they reflect the past time in the presence, which is enormously touching to see.

Bringing more focus and attention to what was before in the childhood and how everything changed, so quickly and so strikingly, make us think of those bright times in our lives and plunge into memories, feeling a little sad and happy. If you find this photo effect exciting, you can take this simple idea and make your picture of a picture from the past in the present – Dear Photograph welcomes any submissions. That might be your enthralling retrospective experiment.

Chinatown use to be livelier

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Me and my first bike. The bike I have now goes a little bit faster

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I drained 3’s all day!

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I’ll always remember the summers in that truck

I’m glad I never stayed in between the lines when I was a kid either

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I looked good in a tux

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That’s love

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That stop sign gave me a good excuse to stop cutting the lawn

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He was a wonderful man and she grew up to be a wonderful woman

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Oh, to be young again

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Dayne Freeman2
    September 27, 2011

    very creative, nice work

  • Mimosquito13
    September 28, 2011

    wow, the effort that you must’ve taken to find these places again…

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