Free WordPress Theme for Health Blog
What can be more important than health? Taking care of it, you invest in your future. Blogs about health help people learn more about the rules of healthy life and share this information with others. If such a site is at issue, here is a ready-made solution aimed at bringing it online – Free WordPress Theme for Health Blog by TemplateMonster.
Its design uses blue color scheme – the most popular for such kinds of blogs, ‘cause it creates the feeling of protection and stability. Clean layout with neatly arranged blocks allows you to place all the content you have in comprehensive and attractive way. The key points you display in the featured blocks in the right sidebar. Use jQuery slider in the header to visualize some information and attract visitors’ attention. Put all the necessary links in the footer part. The supplementary menu that facilitates the users’ interaction with the future site is also placed there. Visit free template live demo page to see this theme in action.
To download the whole package of this template, visit the Free WordPress Theme for Health Blog download page at TemplateMonster and type an email address that you want the free template package to be delivered to (don’t forget to uncheck the newsletter subscription checkbox in case you’re already subscribed, otherwise you may not be able to download the zip file). Feel free to use this template for your business, but you cannot resell it as a template.
Free WordPress Theme for Health Blog

IMPORTANT NOTICE: TemplateMonster does not provide support services on free templates – including this one. We only provide support for the products that are being purchased from TemplateMonster. Our free templates are produced according to the latest web standards and we’ve been trying to make the process of working with them as easy as possible, so for people with minimum web development experience it should be easy to work with them. However, if you don’t have any experience, we recommend you to refer to the tutorials or community forums on how to work with platforms that each respective template is made with, or to hire someone to do the job for you.