Free Logo Design Elements to Work Out Your Brand Identity

Each more or less respected company starts with a logo. It’s very surprising how a few graphic strokes influence the company’s image and marketing strategy. The approach to logo design should be extremely thorough as later on, it will be printed on all promotional items, from business cards to packaging. Logos can look like a set of abstract symbols or a company name rendered with the help of original typographic methods or maybe a combination of both. An apt logo is a long-term investment lasting at least 10 years. So, if you examine the matter from such an angle, the efforts applied during creation are justified to the full extent.

An awesome logo should grab attention, and be simple, memorable, and recognizable. The logo speaks instead of you and tells the customers if you are reliable enough to make business with. The combination of colors also influences greatly how professional your logo will seem to the clients. According to color psychology, it’s better to use cool calm hues for business and financial companies and vice versa, bright warm tints for catering enterprises. This tiny image should give an idea of your company’s services and arouse strong associations in people’s minds.

One more essential aspect is the originality and quality of brand identity. The text should be clearly readable; otherwise, it is more likely to hurt the company image than improve it. It is not easy to put all elements of a puzzle together and work out a unique product having no analogs on the market. We hope our collection of Free Logo Design Elements will help a lot in developing your company identity lasting for ages and forming a high-end trustworthy image of your business project.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Vectorgab
    June 15, 2012

    Nice collection logo set

  • Cyrus Selster
    June 17, 2013

    Great collection of logos. Got few ideas for designing logos for my client.

  • Clippingimages
    January 26, 2014

    Wonderful collection of logo design.keep sharing with us.

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