7 Awesome Free HTML5 WordPress Themes

Today we’ve prepared for you a great collection that consists of excellent free HTML5 WordPress themes. These wonderful design freebies will be useful for WordPress fans who want to feel the power of HTML5 markup combined with the awesome functionality of the most popular blogging software. The following themes are universal by their design and you can use them for any type of web project.

Also, a few of these are armed with great jQuery features that you may find really useful for your blogging activities. If you have any free HTML5 WordPress themes that we might have missed then please feel to share them with us.

Now we wish you to have a great day and hope that you’ll use one of these great freebies.

Design Agency Website Template

HTML5 WordPress Themes

Theme for Interior Website

Design Studio Website Template

Architecture Website Template

HTML5 WordPress Themes

Business HTML Website Template

HTML5 WordPress Themes

WINK – Photographer Portfolio Template

Clean Style – Interior Website Template

HTML5 WordPress Themes

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • tenman
    November 25, 2011

    Awesome list.
    thank you for sharing this.

  • Ankur Mhatre
    January 3, 2012

    Good Collection

  • Klarisse
    January 17, 2012

    Great list! Thank you fo sharing!

  • bootland.nl
    January 17, 2012

    This looks great, need to make the transfer from HTML 4 to 5 quickly it seems.

  • bootland.nl
    January 17, 2012

    This looks great, need to make the transfer from HTML 4 to 5 quickly it seems.

  • Kian
    January 28, 2012

    Amazing collection. I loved The Travel Theme. Thanks!

  • Price Comparison Website
    February 1, 2012

    Fantastic themes. Thank you.

  • traghetti ferries
    February 24, 2012

    Very usefull list. Thanks

  • Magento Ecommerce Development
    March 1, 2012

    Looking amazing themes. I love to use WordPress CMS for getting fast update over blog.

  • Oleg Borodin
    March 23, 2012

    Thank you!
    Good themes!

  • the best wordpress themes
    March 30, 2012

    All 5 wp themes looks like premium,i am glad to find your site!

  • TricksTime
    April 24, 2012

    Awesome work man! thanks!

  • traghetti ferries
    April 29, 2012

    Wow. Thsnka a lot! i love the Yuko one.

  • PVC-Profile
    May 4, 2012


  • Submit Resume
    May 5, 2012

    That’s seems very useful wordpress themes. It no of cost at all.

  • Vania
    May 14, 2012

    These are great! I like Temple Gate and the Travel Theme.

  • John Faller
    May 21, 2012

    Nice list! I love spectacular!

  • PSD to Magento .com
    May 31, 2012

    wow so many to choose a perfect one. thanks!

  • seo consultant
    June 16, 2012

    Nice one. Some cool themes to check out…

  • social media networking
    July 14, 2012

    HTML5 works on web app for the purpose of getting faster and easy to use the website. However great themes shared here.

  • Charles McKeever
    August 8, 2012

    Is there a list of minimalist HTML5 themes?

    • Ryan J. McDonough
      August 15, 2012

      Roots is pretty bare bones. It’s basically HTML5 Boilerplate + Bootstrap. I’m using Roots as the base for some of my work.

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