Free Cursors – Small Funny Blues Exorcists (Save the One for Yourself)

When you spend major part of your day staring at the computer screen, it’s normal that you have the desire to adjust it to your mood, temperament and behavior. For this purpose we set wallpapers on our desktop, make shortcuts to the programs we constantly use, change types, in short, organize our work the most efficient, convenient and pleasant way.

Today, you will have one more opportunity to customize your work area, notably, to set a nice funny free cursor that will bring a smile on your face even if the weather is nasty, your chef is a tyrant and your salary is equal to the one of slaves in times of slaveholding.

As you know, in computing, a cursor is an indicator showing the position on a computer monitor or other display device that will respond to input from a text input or pointing device. The mouse cursor may also be referred to as a pointer due to its arrow shape on some systems.

No Standard Arrows! Just Giggling Free Cursors Allowed

Hum! Who told you that a cursor should look like an arrow? Our collection of funny cursors contains everything you can think of, but arrows.

If you possess a good sense of humor, and we believe you do, finally, you will get the opportunity to demonstrate it to the rest of your colleagues by means of the comic cursors we showcased herein under.

Since today, a friendly, droll mug will look at you back from your computer screen and raise the level of positive emotions to the higher mark.

Now, we guess, you want to know how to update your cursor. It’s very easy, indeed. We’d dare say that you are just a click away of the cursor you like. Besides, the service is absolutely free, which is also important. When your new cursor will cease to cope with its entertaining duties, you can always restore your default one or choose the new virtual friend.

So, here they are – 20 funny free cursors to pick out from. We sincerely hope that they will brighten up your day!

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Medieval Cursors

Aren’t they cute? Look like 3 year old child scribbles.

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Oxygen Cursors

These cursors resemble the points of ancient spears. They are cool.

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Hands Cursors

Learn the language of signs with this creative set.

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winaRtist Edition Cursor Pack

Neon arrows will show you the way in impenetrable darkness.

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Free Computer Cursors

Do you like ponies? Which one is your favorite? Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Just say it to us, we promise to be numb like gravestones.

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Feather Cursor

Feel yourself a writer working hard on the new manuscript with the Firebird’s feather.

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Skull Cursor

Skulls are in vogue now, especially so pretty ones.

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F-16 Cursor

Fire! Imagine yourself a battle pilot.

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Projectile Cursor

Continuing the previous theme, you’ll need cartridges for your flights…

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Heart Cursor

Show your love to America.

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Funny Mask Cursor

Hot guy, isn’t it?

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Finger Heart Cursor

It’s so romantic… Perfect for the ones who are in love.

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Sexsi Cursor

Did you ever think about Pepsi logo this way?

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Dancing Doll Cursor

Have you ever seen a dancing pea?

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Funny Kaoani Cursor

This cute grimacing face will make your lips part in a smile.

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Brushing Rabbit Cursor

Do you think this white rabbit thoroughly polishing his teeth is getting ready to meet the Duchess?

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Funny Nose Cursor

This bird’s mom didn’t tell it not to lie, that’s why its nose grows longer all the time.

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Baseball Bat and a Ball Cursor

This cursor is perfect for baseball fans.

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Hot Dog Cursor

M-m-m … Yummy!

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A Rolling Snowball Cursor

We hope the animal inside doesn’t suffer too much … in any case it can’t feel any pain because it’s virtual.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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