How to Be Frank on the Web: Free Cookie Warning Scripts

Cookies are such crafty things that give an opportunity to leave your browsing history of the certain site. It’s useful especially for eCommerce websites: you won’t need to put the same personal information again and again. If your browser has cookies enabled (by default it usually does), you are deprived from extra efforts, which are made by the machine.

From the other hand, the harvest of information about visitor can be very helpful for website owners. Web developers can effectively use it for proper UX and UI improvements, marketers can directly explore the target audience to offer the needed products.

However, it’s obvious the information exchange should be open and transparent. There is even EU Cookie Law prescripting certain restrains and put away the possibility of abusing in cookie functioning process. Average users rarely know all details of internet processes, so conscientious websites should demonstrate how they will use their visitors’ cookies. To help you with to stay in the bounds of good reputation, I want to present some free cookie warning scripts.

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It’s a very useful tool for getting a cookie warning script exactly for your type of the website (advertising, social media, analytics and other). The process is quite simple: you just need to click choosing the right point and the program will give you the proper code.

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CookieCuttr is a nice plugin created specifically for WordPress (already tested on 3.4 version). Your website will get an elegant cookie warning. Its design will be suitable practically for all websites.

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The cookiesDirective.js is a complex solution for coordination of your website with EU Cookie Law. The developers offer detailed instructions and informative description.

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Cookie Warning for WordPress

This one is for those who want to have a heavy disclaimer on their WordPress website. A warning appears in the separate pop-up window. The script can be easily edited through the WordPress dashboard.

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Cookie Button

For those who needs to put cookie warning as quick as possible, there is a Cookie Button Generator. Moreover, the creative toony style of the buttons can become an original element of your design.

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Free EU Cookie Law Script

After following the link you will see two scripts for two different ways of cookie warning. The first one gives a choice to the visitor, the second one is just a message telling about the fact the cookies will be stored.

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Simple JavaScript Cookie Warning

You will get just a simple JavaScript cookie warning. There is also a video installation guide for those who prefer more interactive format.

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EU Cookie Law and Compliance Code

If you use this script, the cookie warning will appear on the top of the page. Its background is yellow, so the message will definitely be outlined for the visitors’ attention.

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Cookie Accept

The time of Joomla came. This extension adds pop-up cookie warning. It’s widely customizable: for you can choose the position, theme, language and so on.

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Joomla Cookie Directive Plugin

Another appropriate cookie plugin for Joomla. It’s very light excluding any possibility of conflicts with other website processes. Besides, the extension keeps up with our times being optimized for mobile web.

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I had a purpose to present cookie warning scripts, which can be useful for a wide range of websites. How do you think: have I reached it? please leave the comments below. Also, feel free to share the scripts you like and use successfully – we shouldn’t be informatively greed.

About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


    September 18, 2013

    Yes you are right cookie is one of the important things for eCommerce business. You have shared great information about cookie. Thanks

    • ArtRivera
      September 23, 2013

      Thanks for you positive comment. Feel free to use any of the listed scripts.

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