e-Commerce Website Redesign – Priorities that Increase Conversions and Customer’s Loyalty

If you think your e-Commerce website is starting to lose its profitability, it’s time to think about website redesign. There is no doubt that there will be many factors contributing towards the fall in profits or the decline in conversion rates, but there is also a good chance that errors or certain shortcomings in website design are contributing to the fall in profits.

Here, you might have a question, “If there were problems in the design of the website, why was it profitable earlier?” Well, the thing is, the expectations of your target shoppers evolve and they start expecting better things from your site. And if they find that your website is not offering them something they want, they will go to some other site. The options for them, as they say, are immense; so it’s imperative that your website is able to meet their needs and requirements to the T.

Image Source: blue Circle of people background – RASTER VERSION by Shutterstock

Redesigning your website helps you give a whole new look and feel to your website, but its core remains the same. The personality and character of your eCommerce website won’t change; all you will be doing is putting some new clothes on it.

There are plenty of designing elements that you can redesign, and the list at times can be endless, so much so that if you don’t limit your redesign endeavor, chances are that you will be building a whole new website. But you don’t want to be doing that, and this is why, you will need to prioritize.

Let’s take a look at a few priorities that are focused on improving your website’s conversion ratio and at the same time also help increase the loyalty quotient of your target customers.

Image Makeover

One design element that should be uppermost in your minds, when it comes to website redesign, is ‘images’. You should keep checking your website images for their relevancy and their quality. If at any time you think that the images are not really doing their job, then it’s time for giving them a makeover.

You need to remove all those irrelevant images that you believe are doing nothing but distracting your website visitors. Only pick and choose those images that you believe are making a decisive impact on the target audience. So, begin by choosing only relevant images, and make sure that they are of high resolution.

Image Source: Content And Design Keys Showing Creative Promotion by Shutterstock

Information Change

This typically holds true for information about products that you are marketing or are up for sale on your website. Many times, lack of product information does a website in. Therefore, while redesigning your website, adding more information to your product pages should be right up there on your high priority list.

Poor product information is one of the key reasons why a website’s conversion ratio goes down. As a website designer, your focus of attention shouldn’t just be limited to the design, but also must give some importance to the amount of information that is being shared on the website. Purely a visualscentric approach that gives secondary importance to product information, might not work. So, judge very carefully, and bring to your website, a proper mix of visuals and information.

Call to Action Visuals

There is a mistaken belief that it’s just the use of call to action buttons that gives that final push in decision making vis-à-vis a website visitor. Well, that’s not the case. It is my belief that there are certain visuals that also act as call to action triggers and each e-Commerce website has them in abundance, I am talking about the successful, websites of course.

If your website hasn’t given such design elements a thought, then the redesign of a website gives you the opportunity to do so. What you will need to do is pick a collection of images that will ensure that a potential customer will take a decision to buy your product. It’s not just about using a button that says ‘Buy Now and Get a Discount’ alone. It’s about using a design element that starts a positive thinking process in the mind of your target. It could be anything, right from an image to a highlighted phrase and from the use of specific color coding to a hand drawn font or figure.

Image Source: Young couple shouting into a megaphone by Shutterstock

In Conclusion

There are plenty of other priorities that you need to keep in mind, while undertaking the redesign of your website. The idea is to keep the essence of your original website intact, yet bring to it a breath of fresh air.

The whole idea behind the redesign of a website is to make it more profitable and that should be your objective all the time. Do everything needed to make your e-Commerce website earn you more money. That’s it. P.S. If you want to create a stunning eCommerce website you can try this awesome eCommerce Software.

Author’s Bio:

Hazel Raoult is working with PLAVEB, an e-Commerce Website Design company, who is always coming up with innovative, highly engaging website designs. She has worked on plenty of e-Commerce websites and loves writing about her experiences. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • eva bell
    March 13, 2013

    Redesigning your eCommerce websites will surely increase your coonversions and its better idea than any other ideas.

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