What Makes eCommerce Website Front Pages Creative?

What is the most important part of the online store which is catching the customer’s attention from the first sight? Of course it’s the front page that introduces specification of this e-shop and also presents its products and services in the most attractive way. The main purpose of the front page is to pick customer’s interest to the store and provide him/her with all necessary information about it. But while paying attention to your home page design, you shouldn’t lose the usability features in the structure of your website. A perfect online store can be called only that one which comprises the mix of effective design and great usability. In this showcase we are offering you to review the most effective front pages of online stores and eCommerce website templates which have unusual structure and interesting look.


This online store presents really effective front page in minimal style with the main slider in the center and additional information from the right. One of the sliders has the video with the new summer collection.

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This perfect online store completely differs from others by the structure of the front page. It consists of two constantly changing sliders which are complement each other.

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Apparel Online Store VirtueMart Fashion Template

This website template has really outstanding structure, including two different slideshows in the front page. The first slideshow is presented on the main background and the second slideshow is the smaller one which is situated on the front, displaying menu categories of this online store.

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Utensils VirtueMart Housewares Template

The front page of this VirtueMart eCommerce website template includes original slideshow with various images that you can look through by clicking on each particular picture.

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CD & DVD VirtueMart Online Store Entertainment Template

This website template presents VirtueMart online store with unusual animated slider which gives the special look to the whole structure of this design.

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Furniture Online Store PrestaShop Interior Design Template

The front page of this PrestaShop template has nice gallery slider which displays stylish furniture products on the main wooden layout. Content area fully consists of advertizing banners, which are able to improve your sales result.

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Bike Store PrestaShop Bike Shop Template

The front page of this Magento website template consists of several contrast layouts which present each definite product of this online store.

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In the front page of this online store the accent was made in the drop-down menu which has 5 different categories. You can simply find any item just to mouseover to the necessary category.

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The most striking attribute of this online store is the front page where you can see all “melting” products moving your mouse from side to side.

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Informal and playful style of the front page attracts more customers to this online store, making the accent to the well presented products with “more info” and “+ Cart” options.

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This eCommerce website presents unusual front page in the grunge style with the corresponding background, fonts and additional design elements. And this online store is quite convenient for customers as you can find the newest stuff from the right or search in categories fields from the left.

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The front page of this online store provides unusual welcome video, various green textures, design elements, making the accent on the organic theme of this website.

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Entering this online store, you’ll see the striking front page with double slider which allows you to choose the definite product from the line on the lower slider and then view it on the main slider.

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The great design of the homepage of this service website is achieved by its original logo, effective slideshow, dark wooden texture and simple menu categories.

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The front page of this online store has the captivating slider with various menu options, so the customer can start shopping without using the regular menu.

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The front page of this online store presents great video slideshow on the whole page with menu categories from the left and additional information on the footer.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • ricky martin
    September 19, 2012

    Really their is so many creative ideas on your post..

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