DesignFloat is Looking For Unique Portfolios

Designers, illustrators, photographers, artists aim to stand out from the crowd with works they create but how they approach the development of their own website and especially their portfolio? Thinking about hundreds of websites that I see daily I can’t remember many that impressed me with their portfolios, I mean not with their works in portfolio but with portfolio as a separate organism itself.

I’ve noticed that when I look at some designer’s portfolio I don’t pay attention to the portfolio itself, main things about them are user friendliness, easy navigation and good images. But frankly speaking I hoped for a greater variety. Basically the portfolios are not interacative and that’s the problem. Click on the link on the right, left, top or bottom to see the image, scroll down the page to see the images, scroll to the right to see the images. I’m tired and a bit disappointed, today I have checked about 500 websites of pretty well-known designers, illustrators, graphic developers, photographers and got the feeling that all those creative people who create amazing stuff don’t have enough time to devote to their own websites. Of course I can be wrong, maybe on their own websites they are looking for simplicity?

If you know some websites that have portfolios organized in a unique unusual way please submit. Designers, answer us!

This is not a portfolio but products on the ecommerce website that made me stay on this page a little longer..because of the guys. Roll over the boys and you’ll see what I mean, I did that to all of them 🙂

This website made me really mad, I was trying to get anywhere for about 10 minutes till I got to portfolio. What’s unique about it- you may not find it at all, no directions where to click initially, no directions that you need to put your mouse to the very bottom of the portfolio page for it to start scrolling down. The flash file with the works is pretty huge in size and there’s no preloader showing so while it’s loading the page is dead. It happened occasionally to me as I was clicking everywhere on the page but other visitors may not be that lucky.

When you click on Collection in the menu the background changes drastically which makes you feel you are in a separate section of the website. If you move your mouse down and top you’ll see the background changing as if it’s turned on and off. Click on the image area to change works presented in portfolio.

Portfolio of the some UK designer, couldn’t find the personal info on site. This is a really mad thing! You click on something and get more and more of it,В  you don’t understand what’s going on, but you’ll definitely remember this website.

This is the Russian architecture studio. The peculiarity of their portfolio is that for every project they have created a small funny animation related to the project. It makes you smile and it makes you thankful to developers who took a minute to think about you.

Roll over the Portfolio in the menu, the white background is changing to the the colored image consisting of a small images that are actually the works of this studio. Choose some category and you’ll see another background transition, the list of works for this category will show up on the right

RoofStudio- excellent portfolio. Illustration on the roofs of the MINI Coopers.

This one is not so unique but definitely stylish. Take you mouse from the menu area and you’ll see the full image from portfolio, there’s also a nice preloader of a hoarse when the works from portfolio loads 🙂

It’s intriguing to turn over the pic, nothing special in there, just the contact info. Pretty interesting effect though.

You’ll have to scroll to the very bottom of the home page to find portfolio, it’s not in the menu for some reason.В  It’s like you are digging into the earth to see it and those little pink creatures are there to help you.

Click on contact, I did that occasionally instead of clicking on Work but liked the effect 🙂

The projects load in a very user friendly manner, you don’t have to scroll anywhere once the detailed info opens. The works are placed nicely under some angles and that adds this website some special hint of uniqueness.

Depending on your existing location in the portfolio section the works open either to the top or to the bottom so you don’t have to scroll, a very convenient thing.

They don’t have a Portfolio, they simply say “We’ve helped these guys”. That’s an interesting approach and I do like it.

The name of this company speaks for itself, they simply can’t have a usual portfolio.

Portfolio looks like drawn on a sheet of paper. the works are presented not just by one screenshot but something like a collage of images.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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