Design Float Featured in Smashing Magazine

As I was obsessively checking my stats with Snoop, I realized an influx of visitors from Smashing Magazine. Turns out they have included Design Float in their “Best of July 2007” post. It’s nice to be recognized by a blog as popular and respectable as Smashing Magazine so thanks to the editors for including Design Float and I hope the exposure trickles down to all of the Design Float contributers and authors!

12 Aug 2007

Holy Downtime!

Well, as many of you may have noticed, DF has been down…

10 Oct 2008

Be a Human, Save an Alien!

I feel soo excited and I feel sooo good! I’ve just saved…

Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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