Hypnotizing Dark Art by Borja Fresco Costal

His art reveals the dark side of our life and shows the world around us in the unusual manner. It seems that he knows everything about the darkest dreams and their scent. One time is enough to see the works by Borja Fresco Costal and become trapped with their mysterious atmosphere that is seen in each work. It is really hard to describe that strong impact that these works have on the viewers, they not only catch attention immediately, but hypnotize and leave the lasting bright impression. This art resembles your nightmares, it brings into life the morbid dreams that you have seen last night and describes them awesomely realistic. Looking at them you realize that the evil is somewhere near you, it can even hide behind your back right now. So, if you want to admire the strong portion of breathtaking CG artworks, welcome these exquisite pieces of dark art by Borja Fresco Costal.


13inches Cover








Lost Words


Music for My Eyes


Owl Queen


Pepper Prophecy


The Book


The Time



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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Cameron
    March 30, 2011

    This artwork is, although technically well done, quite boring. It seems like every “dark” artist does this same kinda crapzors. You know what i mean dark girls dark soldiers of course he is holding some type of weapon. There is black and red colors its just kinda boring man sorry. Thats why there are no comments dig it

  • Dashrendar44
    August 18, 2011

    I was first impress by the details but I’m bug by the fact that it don’t seem hand-drawn but a mash-up of photo-manipulation (obvious for certain illustration posted above) with touches of color by photoshop brushes with a wacom tablet. Dark for the sake of Darkness like Emo Goth imagery stuff which become quite boring.

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