Creative QR Code Designs That Bring Visual Pleasure
Today we have the new generation of barcodes which are called 2D or matrix barcodes as they have a two-dimensional way to represent more data of the subject. Basically, Quick Response code is the new type of matrix barcode that consists of encoded information and is widely used in mobile operating systems, retail and marketing. The great popularity of QR code can be explained by its fast readability and large storage capacity. QR codes are the way forward, and entrepreneurs can create their very own ones with TRUiC’s QR code generator.
But who said that QR codes should be boring and unremarkable? Quick Response codes can also be creative and you can prove it looking through our roundup with the most effective and unusual QR codes that have appealing designs and original styles.


QR code design


Android Theme QR Code

Self-promotion Poster

July 21, 2012Very creative, all these designs have creativity and if used would give a good impact on the viewers.
ricky martin
July 24, 2012It gives impact but these designs are not unique these designs have no attraction power.
Web Design India
July 24, 2012All design are really great. Also you have shared code for that, it is really helpful for me. Thanks you. Your efforts are admirable.
Robin Parker
July 24, 2012Hmm…hardly any of these were recognised by Google Goggles (at least not on my phone), which makes them kind of pointless doesn’t it?
July 26, 2012Very cool and creative… It’s important that it takes you to something that’s optimized for mobile, and even more impotant that it scans!
Azonmobile Design QR Codes
April 10, 2013Very informative post. For creating and using it you first need to generate the code by using an offline or an online QR code generator. The second one is more accessible and easy to use because you don’t need to install any software on your computer.