The 5 Most Creative Commercials Launched in 2013

It’s wonderful that there is a lot of advertising everywhere. It’s excellent that consumers are sick of of this marketing info flow. You know why? Because those who want people to pay attention on their product, have to make their commercials more original, more interesting, more creative. Yes, great multitude of ad garbage give a chance to find some brilliants in this pile. Amount turns into quality.

In 2013 the commercials tends to show the live interaction of the ad with the people in real life. The other feature is wider using of video editing and different video effects. Well, you can make sure of that by yourself. I’d like to show 5 examples of such valuable commercials, which were launched in 2013 and demonstrate the latest trends. Enjoy and be inspired.

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An example of great interactive advertising in real life was demonstrated by TNT, a TV channel in Netherlands. The idea is to make a person a part of thrilling drama. For this purpose a red button was installed on a Belgium street together with a sign “Push to add drama”. Well, once someone pushed the button, a real drama begins. You can watch it in the video. Almost 11 millions of watches in YouTube for few month is not a joke – the scenes are surely stages on a high level.

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I’ve noticed that social ads are generally more creative than commercial ones. It can seem a nonsense to many people, because huge companies definitely provide their marketers with more funding. But I see here an apparent causality: once an author sincerely wants to help by evoking empathy, he do it from the heart. Nizami Ganjavi once stated: “A word that comes from the heart strikes into the heart”. We can use the statement to any form of information, not only the words. This ad is about the child abuse and it strike into the heart with no doubts. The idea is quite simple, and the talent of the authors consists in the ability to distinguish it.

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Axe continues a tradition of presenting original and interesting ads. These time the cosmic theme is exploited. A girl is rescued from the firing house by a handsome fireman, but instead of rewarding her savior with a kiss, she runs to an astronaut that appears nearby. I don’t like the sexist implication of Axe ads, however the ironic game of contrasts is really cool.

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The main advantage of this advertising is a remarkable assembling. The pieces of different videos are compiled into a love story, which can’t be regular. The ad is presented by Getty Images, a stock gallery for pictures and videos.

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The hero of this video is a Galapagos Turtois Arthur. He is eager to find his love and his attempts to do it actually forms the ad. The video is aimed to present a show Mating Season, which is coming soon on Channel 4. Ir will be dedicated to difficulties in relationships.

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What to you thing about the list? Maybe have some other examples of ads you suppose to be more creative? You’re welcome in the comment section to discuss it.

About the author:

Art Rivera: Deeply interested in everything connected with Internet, I sincerely suppose the web is the only future reality for the humanity through its inevitable involving into every part of human life. I’m not a great fan of cyberpunk concept, but the world is keeping that certain direction of total connectedness. And of course there should be someone, who can write the history, who would describe and analyze and enter in the record all notable changes and tendencies on the web. Hello, it’s me.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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