Collection of Grape Logos- first on the web

I love grape, I really do. I was sitting at home eating grape after my morning cup of coffee thinking about infinity when it suddenly came to my mind, if Mac is using the apple as their logo, why wouldn’t some company use the grape as their one? Grape is not bad at all and definitely a more complicated thing than an apple if consider the number of circles in both these fruits. So I decided to make a small investigation.

First of all I wanted to know what associations people have with grapes and whether it can be used for something else than a logo on a bottle of wine. Google didn’t gave me any certain answer ( I guess this is a too dummy question for such a clever machine) so I decided to check with my friends. The answers I got:

– grape makes me think of grape (unbelievable)
– grape makes me think of summer
– grape makes me think of something green
– grape makes me think of wine
– hmm…nothing comes to my mind

No wonder noone is taking grape seriously…but I still decided to check if someone thinks in the other direction. So I went to Google once again and asked: Dear Google, would you be so kind to show me search results for “grape website”. Google was kind enough to get back to me: Results 11 – 20 of about 4,560,000 for grape website. (0.13 seconds).

I thought: “Not that bad, let me check if I’m lucky!” I have reviewed over 200 websites…everything was against me, only wine websites came up, mostly having old design which made me even more sad. But there’s a positive side in everything:

a) You can reserve the grape logo for your company and be unique
b) I have prepared a small parade of professionally designed grape logos that I liked most, all of them use the grape as the design element.

Twirl logos

Simple form logos

Complex logos

Original logos

Geometric logos

Now it’s time for dinner…Cheers! BTW, I like peaches too 🙂

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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