Celebrities Using WordPress as Their CMS

A lot have been said about WordPress, even a child knows that this is one of the most popular blogging platforms. But what about movie and music celebrities? It turned out that they are also fond of WordPress. Into the blog post we’ve included most interesting examples of WordPress powered websites of people whom you can quite often see on TV. Enjoy!


LIGHTS uses wordpress as a hub for all her social networks for her fans. WordPress is very plug & play with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google + and so on.

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Mick Jagger

Whoever designed Mick Jagger’s page saw fit to paint it black. This is all moody graphics and text, in fitting with Mick’s unique style.

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Miley Cyrus

Surprisingly Miley Cryus has a website built on WordPress. Hanna Montana’s fans must have known this long before we did.

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The king of hip-hop himself, Jay-Z has a website which is running on WordPress. The design is minimalistic but it works to get the message across. But it would be better if the content was separated a little more clearer.

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Russel Brand

Russell Brand a comedian and actor runs his website on WordPress. The site features a custom design, a Twitter feed and some basic info about dates, announcements, etc. Seems like his website is updates only once per month.

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Scissor Sisters

Meanwhile, Scissor Sisters would never be accused of being subtle or minimalistic. Their site is an interesting showcase for static navigation – the top and bottom colored bars remain in place whilst you scroll down the page.

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Lauryn Hill

The sparse but colorful design of Lauryn’s site keeps the focus on her music, with audio and video links in the sidebar.

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Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire is a Canadian indie rock band. Their website is a rare beast in the music world – simple and minimalistic – perhaps a little reflective of the fact that they do things a little differently. There is no graphics-heavy interface here – just simple black text on white background.

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Jason Mraz

Jason Mraz’ site is brilliantly designed, with a background image that changes periodically. For anyone who doubts the ability of WordPress to produce individualistic website designs, this is a great example of the possibilities.

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Katy Perry

A pink and black combo from Katy Perry is a good example of WordPress as CMS as it powers her entire official website.

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Dave Matthews Band

Dave Matthews Band are here to inject a little more color with their carnival-style design. This website has no blog to talk of. In fact, there are just three things to do – see the photos, listen to the music, and get the merchandise.

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They Might Be Giants

Out of all of the websites on this list, this is perhaps most representational of a standard blog design. A top navigation bar with a feature area below and then a simple content-left, sidebar-right layout is bread and butter in terms of WordPress design. But when compared to all of the other sites, They Might Be Giants is the exception that proves the rule – WordPress can produce a huge variety of designs.

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Kim Kardashian

Kim goes for a dark theme with a glamorous feel, incorporates photos, a blog and her latest tweets.

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Sylvester Stallone

We all know and love the one and only Rocky Balboa aka Sylvester Stallone. Little did I know he is more than an actor but a book author, fitness expert and a painter! Looks like he is using WordPress to showcase his multiple talents… I wonder if he’s a Gemini. Stallone’s website is probably the most corporate, clean-cut design in this whole list. He’s probably the oldest celebrity on this list too.

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Bon Iver

Bon Iver recently awarded Best New Artist at the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012 and uses WordPress to power their official website. When logging in you face the fact that he has this music video playing in the background. Typically you have an mp3 streaming in the background of most band websites but Bon Iver one-upped everyone with video which is continuous as you browse through his site!

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Written by

Alexander B.


  • Shikha Gupta
    June 29, 2012

    Ahw..Its So Nice Collection, I just loved all 🙂
    Thanks for sharing

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