Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee. The Amazing Carvings

What do you do with the old books that are out of use for a long time? Of course, you can throw them away, but wait a bit and don’t do it just now. Just look at the amazing artworks that can be created out of old dictionaries that have been lying for a long time on the dusted bookshelves. All of them you can find in the output of Guy Laramée the Montreal based artist with 30years of practice in various disciplines. He received more than 30 grants during his career of artist. This collection of carved books has gained the huge popularity among the fans of modern art due to its originality and novelty. You will miss the inspirational minutes, if you don’t see these wonderful carved masterpieces.
















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How to Design a Poster No One Can Look Away…

Earlier posters were a piece of printed paper aimed to attract attention…

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Illustrations by Katie Rose Clausen. The Graphic Art

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Price Comparison Website
    February 11, 2012

    I find it amazing what can be done with imagination. Esfantastico what you can do with a few simple books.

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