Best Free Coding Resources To Educate Yourself

Everyone today understands or at least guesses that the good old traditional education runs out. All this sitting in university classrooms is so annoying if considering modern technologies provides us with so wide opportunities to get useful information and learn. The first sprouts of new education system, which effectively uses all the latest achievements of human civilization, began to born throughout the web. These resources appeared really actual, their popularity grows with inevitable intense. For now the most famous educational website is Coursera, it contains hundreds of learning courses from professors of authoritative universities from different parts of the world. Coursera concerns a wide variety of directions. And, of course, it’s not the first to understand the importance of e-learning for today society.

The pioneers of studying on the web were web developers, coders, programmers and other internet builders. Of course, it’s natural, because people of this activity field were immersed into the global net system in the deepest way (well, they were creating it!) and know about its potential most comparing with other people. Their educational resource had a wide specialization, teaching how to work with web. In order to honor their deposit to the progress of educational system and just to share with you definitely helpful website, I want to present the 5+ best free coding resources for education.

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It’s probably the most famous code education resource. You begin you first lesson from the main page right away. Once it’s finished, Codecademy offers you to continue after registration. The education process is quite interactive and therefore easy for the quick pace of modern human being.

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Udacity is not only about the website building workmanship, nevertheless coding is the main focus of its courses. Udacity authors claims themselves as a team that makes education more active and bring it closer to real life. Let’s thank them for that and get profit from this for ourselves.

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This resource is not so global as the previous ones, however it’s concentrated strictly on coding. Especially it will get you acquanted with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

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Girl Develop It

Who told you there are only boys in coding? This female-based coding school definitely approves the gender equality in this sphere of activity, using for this high quality courses for the most widespread coding languages.

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Code School

“Learn by Doing” is the slogan of Code School. Indeed, these guys provide with a great tool improve your coding skills in action. 4 paths, plenty of courses in them – just choose and do right away.

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Most probably you are familiar with this resource if you are eager to know how to build websites. But still, it’s in the list, because W3Schools is the biggest base for developments information I’ve met on the web.

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These resources will help you to enter the world of code or improve your knowledge and skills in case you’re an advanced coder. However, the listed websites are not the only one that help to learn: so, in case you know some better resources, please put them in the comments below. It would be helpful for other readers of the article seeking for coding knowledge.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • aredey
    November 2, 2013

    Yah very intresting post…

    • ArtRivera
      November 4, 2013

      Thanks for positive response.

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