Mystery of Abandoned Places in HDR Photos

Abandoned places are the great source of inspiration for photographers due to their mysterious charisma and shuddering scenes. Sometimes it is hard to imagine what secrets may be hidden behind those old and creepy buildings. The shots that we’ve featured in our post are enhanced with HDR effect which makes them more saturated and conceptually intensified. Some of these photos look quite unreal but that’s exactly what captivates us the most, helping our imagination to create more behind the borders of this photo. Now, let’s dive into the world of abandoned things in high dynamic range.


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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • Billy
    May 16, 2011

    These are pretty much the worst examples of HDR that I’ve ever seen

  • Nanagwen
    May 16, 2011

    Wow ! Awesome photos. Thanx for sharing

  • Jonathan
    May 19, 2011

    Billy’s an idiot, these are awesome. Why would someone post just to say something negative and yet back it up with absolutely nothing?

  • J
    May 21, 2011

    Man… these are all terrible examples of HDR. And HDR doesn’t stand for high dynamic resolution, it’s high dynamic range.
    Out of personal experience, I can tell you that at least three quarters of these pictures were run through Photoshop (the high-end Adobe application, not a generic term) or equivalent.

  • KingJ
    May 22, 2011

    These are just awful. They would have been good if not in hdr.

    I don’t like hdr for the same reason I don’t like staring at the sun.

  • Dhave
    May 22, 2011

    These photographs fucked with my mind more than just about every acid trip I’ve been on.

  • Geoff
    May 24, 2011

    Wow, really? The HDR train has come and gone. Please, please, please stop with the clown vomit. I have to agree with “J”, but to add to his comment, I believe these are not even close to TRUE HDR, they appear to be FAUX, and an add on in Photoshop such as Topaz was used to do them. They aren’t at all impressive. And as stated above, would have been a lot better if they were just PHOTOS not HDR.

  • BettaThanYouAtEverything
    June 13, 2011

    “back it up with absolutely nothing?”
    The photos themselves back it up. These are disgusting and an embarrassment to Photography.

  • Yourmomma
    October 1, 2011

    hit the little “___” button on the right above the next four comments. They all blow.
    btw this ^ is NOT a whale.

  • Chris LTQ
    November 25, 2011

    Actually….. your an embarressment to photography. As has been mentioned many times before, art is about an individuals perception, views, understanding and interpretation, mixed with imagination. No one ever criticised the brushes Di Vinci used on his paintings. They just looked at the final piece, and if they didn’t like them, moved on. I think your just a rude individual who thinks they know it all and will always critisice any other work other than your own. You probably get upset, maybe even a little angry, possibly even calling them a ‘moron’ or making a statement such as ‘they don’t know what they are talking about’ or similar such comments, when people critisice your own work. In fact, i’d even go so far as to guess that your the kind of person who has a severly limited imagination, if any, and takes really boring black and whites of the most non interesting inanimate objects you can find and then show them to everyone thinking they are the best thing since sliced bread. I’d even go as far to say that your probably one of these people who has never really got to grips with technology (ie: digital cameras and photoshop), and probably says to everyone that ‘you prefere a rolly and SOOC’ that to mess around with photos basically because you don’t know how to and feel in over your head when trying to. In future, I recommend you critisice and be poilte about it, and respect other peoples views on the subject, instead of trying to force your biased opinion on everyone else. An i will be expecting some comments in reply to this that could possibly not be too polite, but let me tell you now, i dont really care what you have to say. You lost my respect the moment i read your rude and obnoxious comments. So please feel free to type away pointlessly.

    Just for the record, I like these alot. Maybe a little too much saturation, but then abanonded buildings always look good like this. And from my not so extensive experience, they were ALL probably done using an awesome plugin know as photomatrix for photoshop, or the stand alone version of the same name, or possibly even GIMP where there are hundreds of plugins availible in the plugin repository.

    • Daveyd_31
      December 12, 2011

      if u allow people to be, youll be alright, relaxed and at peace….asshole

  • Daveyd_31
    December 12, 2011

    awesome pics..great imagination

  • Jeffrey Button
    December 13, 2011

    wow, what brutality in these comments
    i will be the first to admit i know little about HDR photography, other than ‘true’ HDR requires a minimum of 3 shots, one under exposed, one overexposed and one normally exposed than the 3 shots are somehow averaged or something like that to create a more dynamic range of light/shadows in an image

    that being said i do have to agree with the below comments (more politely though) that these are fantastic images, but some of them lose a bit of their ‘feeling’ because of the way they were post processed, either way they have quite a bit of merit compositionally and subject wise. Good Job.

  • Jeffrey Button
    December 13, 2011

    wow, what brutality in these comments
    i will be the first to admit i know little about HDR photography, other than ‘true’ HDR requires a minimum of 3 shots, one under exposed, one overexposed and one normally exposed than the 3 shots are somehow averaged or something like that to create a more dynamic range of light/shadows in an image

    that being said i do have to agree with the below comments (more politely though) that these are fantastic images, but some of them lose a bit of their ‘feeling’ because of the way they were post processed, either way they have quite a bit of merit compositionally and subject wise. Good Job.

  • Eminp9
    January 10, 2012

    There are some great shots in here and some are over-cooked. Photography is art and open to interpretation by everyone. If you don’t like it, move on. Probably all the commenters are photographers – it would be interesting to get a wider audience of comments on the artistic value of the images.

    This dude put himself out there – the only clown vomit I see is in the comment section.

  • Eminp9
    January 10, 2012

    There are some great shots in here and some are over-cooked. Photography is art and open to interpretation by everyone. If you don’t like it, move on. Probably all the commenters are photographers – it would be interesting to get a wider audience of comments on the artistic value of the images.

    This dude put himself out there – the only clown vomit I see is in the comment section.

  • Damon
    February 7, 2012

    Cool collection…. hmmm love it…

  • iPhone 5
    February 13, 2012

    Some of them are damn cool.. but some of them doesnt look like HDR 😛

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