A Wonderful Collection of Free Social Icon Sets

Social networks have stolen part of our life in a good sense. In the office and at home we stumble, float, digg the websites and pages that we like, we share them with our family, friends and ?olleagues. Website developers are trying to push their websites into this community in order to get more visitors, more readers, more clients. On every other website now that is not keeping to the old traditions of marketing you will find the icons of the most popular social networks. It’s obvious that the more people like your website the higher is the possibility they will share it with community, vote for it and leave a review. So why not surprise your website visitors even a bit more with the cool social icon. There was a buzz recently about lots of nice free icon sets available for web designer and web developers and we decided to bring the most popular of them into one place on Design Float. Enjoy it and let us know if you have something to add to this collection!

This is a pretty old but still nice icon set created by Mauricio Duque in November, 2007.  Just a few icons here but you can follow the style and create the rest, yeap, if you like it don’t be lazy to do so. You can download this set of a social icons here.


The Leaf Fall social icon set was designed by creative team of Templates.com developers just a few days ago- on October 7th. The only minus I see is that autumn season is shortly coming to an end, so we can only hope they’ll be kind enough to create a free Winter icon set for us :)  Download the Leaf Fall social icon set here.


August free social icon set from Templates.com. These guys definitely know what they are doing, the concept, the approach and the design are just great. Bottles are available here.


Social Bookmark Iconset from VikiWorks can be a nice ad for your website. Not that florid as bottle logo set from above, but there’s nothing bad in simplicity and actually these icons can be used on a wider range of websites which makes them even more valuable. Download here.


The second set of icons from VikiWorks. This is a collection of 10 social web app icons that were missing in the first set. Applause! Link to download.


Edward de Leau nobly supplied the designers community with his free social icons icon set.  Frankly speaking I’m not sure whether I would use these “huge” icons on my website but tastes differ. You can download the icons here.


This icon set was designed by Helen Gkizi. It resembles to me the bottle icons from templates.com but this can be a pure coincidence. They are lovely and fun, thanks Helen!

Feel free to download the glasses icon set here.

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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