Fuel Your WP Site With Nifty Features Of Jetpack 3.1 Plugin – Mother Of All Plugins

If you are not using wordpress.com and admire its befitted features, here is a plugin for you that can provide you altogether the nifty features of both wordpress.org and wordpress.com, and it is named as Jetpack. Thus, whether you have a self-hosted website or the one powered using WP services, you can conveniently enjoy the utile features of the Automattic Jetpack plugin.

Jetpack is aka the mother of all plugins, as it provides multiple features packaged under a single plugin. And we know that when we talk about plugins in WordPress, it is considered that “less is more”, as maintaining dozens of different plugins is not only a tedious job, but it also adds to a web page loading time. Hence, it makes Jetpack plugin a viable choice.

Jetpack is quite popular among the WP users, and it is recently updated to version 3.1 with exciting additional features including custom content types and a whole lot more.

Jetpack features several modules that can be enabled or disabled, as per the individual requirement. Let’s have a look at some of its dandy features.

1. New Module for Custom Content Types

The version 3.1 has introduced this new module to the Jetpack that allows users to easily manage their custom posts even from their self-hosted sites.

When a user is switching to a self-hosted WP website, as the number of the Custom Post Types (CPT) that are supported by the WP themes increases, it makes it difficult to access the custom content.

It facilitates Portfolio Custom Post Type that offers one to conveniently organize their projects on their site and create a suitable portfolio. You might have seen this feature in several themes, if the active theme of your site doesn’t support it, you can simply activate the Custom Content Types module by navigating to your Jetpack settings.

To enable the Portfolio Custom Post Type, you can follow the following tweak:

  • Navigating to the “Settings”
  • Then going into the “Writing” section
  • Doing so, you will get the “Your Custom Content Types”. Just check the list of options under this section and then enable the Portfolio Custom Post Type

You will also get the option to display your portfolio in the menu via an appropriate link or by using the shortcode.

2. What’s new in Admin Interface?

The revamped Admin interface of Jetpack 3.1 ensures more advanced, easily accessible and user-friendly interface. Now the Jetpack features can be conveniently activated, deactivated and configured by simply using the feature description box; it will allow you to easily manage the features with a click of the mouse. This improved version will also come complete with a better RTL support that will facilitate viewers across the globe to get a desirable view.

3. For Plugin Developers

Here with Jetpack plugin, you will get additional JSON API endpoints; these will help you conveniently manage your plugins, themes and handle the activation for Jetpack features.

4. For Theme Developers

Whether you are a professional developer or technical individual who wants to tweak a theme, doing so with Jetpack 3.1 will facilitate you with handy tools that can help you accomplish the task with great ease.

While developing a responsive theme, making a responsive video is a bit hard. But, with this updated version of Jetpack, it will be no more difficult as it used to be.

You can easily introduce responsive videos to your responsive theme by simply adding a line of code instead of implementing special codes and additional markup.

This can be done by inserting the below code in the “functions.php” file of the theme.

By deploying this code in your theme, every video that is added to the site will run with a quality display on both small-screen mobile devices and large-screen devices.

Bottom Line:
There will be a lot more than this, the advanced version Jetpack 3.0 has also introduced some new bug fixes and great enhanced features. It is advisable to install this plugin, not just because it offers set of the amazing features in a single package, but as its developers are consistently expanding its functionalities by inserting enhancements every now and then.

Author Bio: Ben Wilson is serving as a trained WordPress Plugin Developer at WordPrax. In his free time, he loves writing informative posts on WordPress plugins and their incredible usage.

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