WebsiteDefender Free Version – The Easiest Way to Protect Your Online Business

The number of websites that have been harmed by hackers is increasing with scary speed. Hackers create malware in order to block the normal running of your website, destroying its database and turning it into one more stress instead of a successful business. Everyone who has an online project is aware of this problem, and we are glad to offer you a great solution!

WebsiteDefender Free Edition makes it easy to manage all the above mentioned troubles of your online project, as it monitors your website and find vulnerabilities, and malware makes you aware of their presence and possible ways to neutralize them. You will be immediately informed if website content has been changed or a domain name is expired.

Some of the features:

• The presence of your expired SSL certificate will be carefully checked
• DNS hacks for your website to another URL redirection will be detected
• Timely information about source code disclosure
• Detection of web server configuration problems (for example in .htaccess files)
• Detection of insecure PHP configuration
• Broken links will be found in a short period of time

You can see a full list of WebsiteDefender Features here. The Free Edition of WebsiteDefender is modern and meets all the latest demands and requirements.

In order to supply you with all necessary data concerning your website security, we should also point out the free WebsiteDefender WordPress security plugin. It is one more easy way to protect your online business by means of modern security tools.

Don’t wait for the moment you get hacked – you are able to prevent it right now and this will cost you nothing. Sign up for your free WebsiteDefender Account today.


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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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